European Union- North American Transportation Research Networks Keith Keen European Commission
European Union- North American Transportation Research Networks 81st TRB Annual Meeting Session 520 European Union- North American Transportation Research Networks Thematic Networks in the European Union Research Programmes - Keith Keen, European Commission, Belgium Thematic Network STELLA - Peter Nijkamp, Free University of Amsterdam, Netherlands &William R. Black, Indiana University Thematic Network ATLANTIC - John Miles, Ankerbold International Ltd., United Kingdom, Chelsea C. White, University of Michigan & William Johnson, Transport Research, Education & Development Services, Canada
European Union- North American Transportation Research Networks 81st TRB Annual Meeting FP5 - Growth Programme & Information Society Technologies European Research Programmes EURET FP4 - Transport & Telematics Programmes FP 3 APAS 6FP
European Union- North American Transportation Research Networks 81st TRB Annual Meeting Future European Research Programme (6FP) The 6th FP features 7 principal priorities: –Genomics & Biotechnology for Health –Information Society Technologies –Nanotechnologies & nanosciences –Aeronautics & Space –Food Quality and Safety –Sustainable development, global change & ecosystems includes: sustainable surface transport –Citizens & Governance
European Union- North American Transportation Research Networks 81st TRB Annual Meeting Future European Research Programme 6th Research Programme project format: –Large integrated projects –Networks of Excellence –Traditional formats - smaller projects including Thematic Networks Formats will be chosen appropriate to the subject of the research
European Union- North American Transportation Research Networks 81st TRB Annual Meeting Thematic Networks in the European Research Programmes - what are they? Thematic Networks: facilitate: –networking of organisations –coordination of activities –exchange and dissemination of knowledge to optimise research efforts, reach critical mass and enhance impacts at European level
European Union- North American Transportation Research Networks 81st TRB Annual Meeting Thematic Networks in the European Research Programmes - what are they? Thematic Networks: bring together: –industry –universities –research centres –users –research infrastructures –other relevant stakeholders around a common S&T objective
European Union- North American Transportation Research Networks 81st TRB Annual Meeting Thematic Networks in the European Research Programmes - what are they? Thematic Networks: do not provide funding for actual research & technical development
European Union- North American Transportation Research Networks 81st TRB Annual Meeting The two Transatlantic Thematic Networks Two Thematic Networks selected through open competition have been started to identify and develop transport research issues of common interest for Europe and North America They are: –STELLA covering 5 Focus themes –ATLANTIC covering Telematics & ITS
European Union- North American Transportation Research Networks 81st TRB Annual Meeting STELLA & ATLANTIC Networks both Thematic Networks: –involve participants (members and experts) from Europe & North America –divide discussion into working meetings grouped as Focus or Forum Groups –plan to use real and virtual communications –will stimulate post project cooperation the European Commission supports both Thematic Networks –DG Information Society ATLANTIC –DG Energy & Transport STELLA
European Union- North American Transportation Research Networks 81st TRB Annual Meeting STELLA & ATLANTIC Networks Main Personnel: –Core Team: Europe: Peter Nijkamp (Coordinator) & Aura Reggiani North America: Bill Black (Indiana) & Ken Button (Virginia) –Network Manager: Henk van Gent Assisted by: Publications/communications: David Banister Quality Controller: Michael Beuthe Industrial Liaison: Diane Liquiser –Focus Group Leaders STELLA
European Union- North American Transportation Research Networks 81st TRB Annual Meeting STELLA & ATLANTIC Networks Main Personnel: –Core Team: Europe: John Miles (Technical Director) North America: Chelsea White (US) & Bill Johnson (Canada) –Assisted by: Network Administrator: Herman Bertrand Technical Coordination: Lesley Atkinson Web site manager: Tony Gore POLIS cities network: Isabelle Dussutor Workpackage Leaders: Ian Catling, Richard Harris, Steve Morello, Siegfried Rupprecht –Forum Group Leaders
European Union- North American Transportation Research Networks 81st TRB Annual Meeting STELLA & ATLANTIC Networks STELLA: a network of professionals, researchers and decision-makers Europe, USA and Canada Working together to jointly push forward knowledge on transportation issues which concern them Results addressed to EU, US and Canadian researchers & policy makers STELLA
European Union- North American Transportation Research Networks 81st TRB Annual Meeting STELLA & ATLANTIC Networks ATLANTIC: a network of professionals, researchers and decision-makers Europe, USA and Canada (with plans for Australian participation) Working together to solve key problems in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in a coordinated and structured way Results addressed to EU, US and Canadian stakeholders in ITS (esp. government)
European Union- North American Transportation Research Networks 81st TRB Annual Meeting STELLA & ATLANTIC Networks STELLA High level objectives: –STELLA aims in the field of transportation to : create a platform for exchange foster better understanding create conditions for comparative research STELLA
European Union- North American Transportation Research Networks 81st TRB Annual Meeting STELLA & ATLANTIC Networks ATLANTIC High level objectives: –In-depth comparison of the results of ITS research in the US, Canada and Europe –Identification of opportunities for trans-Atlantic research collaboration in ITS –Agreement on best research methodologies and ITS deployment policies –Development of operational skills to enable sustainability of the network
European Union- North American Transportation Research Networks 81st TRB Annual Meeting After STELLA & ATLANTIC Networks - where next? The longer term aim is that the interactions generated by STELLA and ATLANTIC will be self-sustaining and: –networking will continue –firm research cooperation in transportation will be established
European Union- North American Transportation Research Networks 81st TRB Annual Meeting European Transport Policy for time to decide Gradually break the link between growth of transport and economic growth –Shift the balance of transport modes –Eliminate bottlenecks –Place users at the heart of transport policy EU White Paper - September 2001
European Union- North American Transportation Research Networks 81st TRB Annual Meeting eEurope Initiative Target - to accelerate the ‘Information society for all’ eEurope Action Plan - 10 Priority Areas including Intelligent Transportation Systems Traffic & Travel Information Systems in 50% major cities by 2002 Traffic incident/congestion information /management system by 2002 Air transport system to reduce congestion & add safety by 2004 eEurope Initiative - Lisbon December 1999
European Union- North American Transportation Research Networks 81st TRB Annual Meeting Thematic Networks in the European Research Programmes the next presentations go deeper into: STELLA Thematic Network ATLANTIC Thematic Network