LUDOS Leeds University Digital ObjectS save it share it discover 7 th January 2009
LUDOS = multimedia ‘repository’ for digital objects Initially developed as part of the JISC-funded MIDESS project - acknowledged nationally as leading edge Many Unis now have text-based repositories (like our WRRO) Leeds is one of a small number of institutions with a repository which provides searchable, re-usable digital images and multimedia for both learning and teaching and research purposes LUDOS capitalises on the institutional advantage gained by the MIDESS project, creating a repository platform with a robust and sustainable infrastructure LUDOS has potential to provide long term storage for a variety of digital objects from across campus
What does LUDOS do? Save text, images, video, audio, other large collections imported in bulk web interface for growing collections thumbnails, full text indexing, technical metadata for preservation long-term, stable storage Share Discover
LUDOS demonstration
The Timescapes, LUDOS and UK Data Archive Partnership Timescapes presentation
save it Framework for management of digital objects including support for: Different file formats Complex collections Live/growing archives – workflow tools/deposit forms Long-term preservation of digital objects One infrastructure for multiple datasets
share it Open/restricted access Access from anywhere/anytime VLE/Portal links Specialised web pages with LUDOS search boxes Individual collection/archive branding Tailored viewing E-shelf Viewing options
discover Rich searching and browsing functionality Across all collections or tailored for 1 collection only Advanced search Full text search Makes content more visible Standards compliant – metadata can be harvested by other repositories and LUDOS content is indexed by Google Exposes hidden collections Platform for content which is born digital but also promotes digitisation of content
1970’s data leak
Things worth knowing
LUDOS Leeds University Digital ObjectS