By: Mike Cleek
December, 1903United States buys 45 square miles in Southeast Cuba for use as a coaling station. January 3, 1961Diplomatic relations with Cuba are cut. October, 1962Families of United States’ servicemen evacuated due to Cuban Missile Crisis. November, 1962Cuban Missile Crisis ends and families are allowed back onto base. February, 1964Fidel Castro cuts off all water and supplies to Guantanamo Bay. January 11, 2002First 20 prisoners arrive at camp X-Ray. March 11, 2003Federal appeals court rules that detainees have no rights in the United States. October 9, 2003Red Cross claims, “deterioration in the psychological health of a large number of detainees”.
November 10, 2003Supreme Court decides they will hear Guantanamo Case. December 3, 2003Australian detainee David Hicks becomes the first prisoner to be given a lawyer. June 28, 2004Supreme Court rules that detainees can use federal court to challenge their captivity. July 7, 2004Combatant Status Review Tribunals established. June 29, 2006Supreme Court rules that Geneva Conventions apply to detainees. June 12, 2008Supreme Court rules that detainees have no right to challenge their detention. January 22, 2009President Obama issues 3 executive orders. May 15, 2009Obama decides to “revamp” military tribunals. March 7, 2011Obama creates an indefinite detention system at Guantanamo Bay.
Still in existence Prisoners “receive” military tribunals (Many do not) Torture Sleep deprivation Stress positions Exploitations of wounds Semi-starvation
For Terrorist Torture May prevent many deaths. Well deserved. Does not compare to what happens to our captured soldiers. May cause unknown information to come forth. Against Terrorist Torture Represents us sinking to their level. Weakens international law. Can lead to false information. Creates sympathy for individuals who do not deserve it. Chance that an innocent person is tortured.
Still wants to close Guantanamo Bay detention facility. Wants to “review our detention and interrogation policy”. Prohibits the use of torture on detainees.
Do not want dangerous prisoners in their country. Closing without a plan will cause trouble. Guantanamo Bay is an ideal place to hold prisoners.
Rick Perry Supported the opening of Guantanamo Bay Also supports the death penalty Michele Bachmann Supports the use of Guantanamo Bay Supports military tribunals Does not believe that detainees should have access to the U.S. Court System Mitt Romney Thinks that “we ought to double Guantanamo” Does not want detainees on our soil Does not think that detainees should be tried in the U.S. court system.
Works Cited 1962, October. "Cuban Missile Crisis." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 14 Sept 2005, November. "Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 14 Sept 31, December. "Guantanamo Bay Timeline (" The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post. Web. 14 Sept Drake, Bruce. "Republicans: Don't Bring Guantanamo Bay Detainees to Our States." Politics News and Opinion on The Huffington Post. Web. 15 Sept "Foreign Policy." The White House. Web. 15 Sept "GOP Race: Rick Perry Sails through TV Debate as Michele Bachmann Comes up Short | Mail Online." Home | Mail Online. Web. 15 Sept "Guantanamo Bay [GTMO] "GITMO"" - Reliable Security Information. Web. 14 Sept Messerli, Joe. " - Terrorist Prisoner Enhanced Interrogation and Torture (Pros & Cons, Arguments For and Against, Advantages & Disadvantages)." - Free Balanced, Non- Partisan Discussion of Political & Social Issues for Debate (Pros and Cons - Decision Making Politics). 21 May Web. 15 Sept Summary of Information on Michele Bachmann." - The Political Guide Election Headquarters. Web. 15 Sept ThinkProgress. "Romney: ‘We Ought To Double Guantanamo’." 16 May Web. 15 Sept
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