“Revolution from Above” Full-scale rapid industrialization Collectivization of agriculture Cultural revolution Political centralization Terror Cult of personality
THE STALIN REVOLUTION INDUSTRIALIZATION FIRST FIVE-YEAR PLAN ( ) centralized planning: GOSPLAN emphasis on heavy industry unrealistic quotas
THE STALIN REVOLUTION INDUSTRIALIZATION SECOND FIVE-YEAR PLAN ( ) more realistic goals emphasis on productivity introduced socialist competition STAKHANOVITE movement
THE STALIN REVOLUTION INDUSTRIALIZATION Effects of Five-Year Plans Growth of proletariat New working conditions New elites: NOMENKLATURA New revolutionary ethos Growth of cities
THE STALIN REVOLUTION INDUSTRIALIZATION Assessments of Five-Year Plans POSITIVE successful industrialization modernization & technological advances made USSR great power Dniepr River Hydroelectric Dam
THE STALIN REVOLUTION INDUSTRIALIZATION Assessments of Five-Year Plans NEGATIVE unrealistic goals unmet serious imbalances in economy much waste, environmental damage forced labor, high human cost
THE STALIN REVOLUTION COLLECTIVIZATION Agricultural component of Five-Year Plans Modernization of agriculture “Off to collective work” End of private farming, NEP measures
THE STALIN REVOLUTION COLLECTIVIZATION Imposed from outside & above Created kolkhozes & sovkhozes "Don't forget about maternity assistance and consultation in kolkhozes and sovkhozes."
THE STALIN REVOLUTION COLLECTIVIZATION Imposed from outside & above Created kolkhozes & sovkhozes Much peasant resistance De-kulakization campaign "We will liquidate the kulaks as a class" "All to the struggle against the wreckers of agriculture."
THE STALIN REVOLUTION COLLECTIVIZATION “Dizzy with Success” government slows process allows small private plots