Cryptography In Censorship Resistant Web Publishing Systems By Hema Hariharan Swati B Shah
Outline Publisher Retriever Relationship What is a publisher friendly Web publishing system? How to remain Anonymous? How to be Censorship Resistant The trick to Tamper Resistance Present Technology Case study :Publius Q & A
Publisher Retriever Relationship Publisher and the Retriever Security issues Retriever Protection Hackers,Virus etc Publisher Protection Protecting his documents from being tampered Protecting his freedom of speech
What is publisher friendly Web publishing system? Source Anonymous Censorship resistant Tamper evedent Content Unknown Updateable Fault tolerant
How to remain Anonymous? URL rewriting service Anonymous URL generation URL “U” Encrypted URL E k (U) using public key k New URL Retreving content using an Anonymous URL Given URL k (uhttp:// k (u) Decrypted using private key corresponding to k Content retrieved form URL “U” Rewriting Service Provider Network
How to be Censorship resistant? Replication Distributed servers all around the world. Diversity of ownership of the servers A simple example A file hosted on to 100 servers of which 10 names are retained and the rest destroyed.
The trick to Tamper Resistance Mixnets method Store file in Remote servers Each remote server encrypts with public key and send it to the file servers under its control Search at random at some remote security servers to retrieve from the corresponding file servers Disadvantages Chances of not finding the file Deletion impossible Expiry date set during publishing
The trick to Tamper Resistance Encrypt and Distribute Document Encrypt,Divide and Distribute Key Access to the document based on the number of shares of the key the user has access to. Updation Deletion
The Current Technology The Eternity Service Distributed network Replication Mix nets Persistent storage till a specified expiration date Publius Distributed network Replication Key sharing technique Dragster No replication
Case Study :PUBLIUS Three Components Publishers Retrievers Servers - a static list of m servers Operations Publish Retrieve Update Delete
Publish Operation Encrypt file F with Symmetric key K Split K into N parts using Shamir’s Secret sharing scheme - (P,N) Threshold Scheme Compute names for all N parts: name i = wrap(H(F. part i )) Compute locations for each part location i = (name i MOD m) + 1 Publish encrypted file and one part of K to each of these locations, save under directory name i on the server
Publish Operation (Contd.)
Retrieve Operation Retriever must have the URL U of the intended file Parse the name values from U and compute locations of the Servers hosting the file Select P of these arbitrarily Retrieve the encrypted file and P parts of key K Reconstruct K, and retrieve the file Perform temper-check
Delete Operation Generate a password PW while publishing To delete, send H(server domain name.PW) to each hosting server Each server performs authentication, then deletes the file A file can be published as Undeletable
Update Operation Updates file without changing its URL Specify new file, original URL, old PW and new PW to each hosting server Server first publishes the new file by calling Publius Publish operation, and gets new URL Performs authentication Puts the new URL in a directory called update under the corresponding name i A file can be published as nonupdatable
Implementation Issues Publius URL 1 ) … encode(name n ) Option field has: Version number Number of parts needed to reconstruct the key Size of the server list Update flag Server Software Client Software
Goals Achieved! Censorship Resistant Tamper Evident Content Anonymous Source Anonymous Fault tolerant Persistent Updateable Extensible Freely Available
Limitation of Publius Supports only static contents Key-parts/file deletion or corruption Vulnerable to Redirection Attack Vulnerable to Denial of Service Attack Threats to Publisher Anonymity
Pros and Cons Prevents denial of service attacks A persistent backup system Protects privacy and human rights Child pornography Pirated songs and software Violating Copyrights Illegal material
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