The future of the library/information landscape in the context of the research library Anne Poulson Executive Director, RLUK
“Change is one thing, progress is another. Change is scientific, progress is ethical; change is indubitable, whereas progress is a matter of controversy” Bertrand Russell, Philosophy and politics
RLUK strategic themes Developing the research library workforce Building the new research information infrastructure Resource discovery and delivery Digitisation Demonstrating value Increasing our effectiveness
Demonstrating our value How much is about proclaiming more widely what we already know about our value and is widely accepted? How much is it about creating a new evidence base about our value? How much will it be about emphasising the continuing value of what we have always done or about emphasising the new? Should we concentrate the value of our libraries collectively versus value of individual libraries?
Creating the ruins of the future Publishing explosion of both physical and digital materials creates problems for future access, storage and retention Need to understand best model for dataset curation and associated metadata Concern for all subjects not just e “science” Research libraries need to engage with these agendas and not be marginalised
Engagement so far E-research – UKRDS feasibility study leading to potential national shared digital research data service Raising profile of data deluge issues at the highest level Digital preservation initiatives for “born digital” data (e.g. , wikis) Greater emphasis on discovery as well as delivery
Old is not dead Continued importance of special collections – critical distinguishing feature Continued need for investment in preservation of physical materials Need for sensible stewardship of the local unique contributing to the global unique Digitisation strategies to open up “special” collections both individually and in collaboration – crucial contribution to scholarship
Research information management Transforming RAE interaction into playing a leading role in the REF Importance of institutional repositories and management of research outputs New role for “subject”/data librarians to play on institutional and national stages Advocacy and lobbying skills and institutional confidence to be instilled
Knowing your users If you wish to persuade me, you must think my thoughts and speak my words Cicero
The space our users inhabit Continued importance of and significant investment in physical space within research libraries “We want a library that looks like a library” Understanding the Google generation and leading the research information literacy skills pathway “Learn and earn” students need flexible structures within which to study
Workforce challenges Importance of traditional skills still relevant But pressure of working within continued hybrid environment with new skills sets to achieve but no increase in staff Need for new business model for facilitating acquisition and exposition of different skills sets Encourage an appreciation of the need for relevant portfolio skills development
Skills base Understanding of and willingness to share change agenda from all library staff Importance of negotiating and high-level communications skills – top priority Strong partnership and professional intelligence role with researchers Assert leadership in key areas of research skills, data management, digitisation, metadata
Leadership challenges Lack of long-term succession planning Lack of incentives: Mobility; Money; Mutation Unusual to move between sectors or even “groups” RLUK initiatives –Recognition that leadership can and should be encouraged at all levels –Developing mentoring, exchanges (including international) for new professionals –Partnership with University of Sheffield
Financial challenges Larger pay bill consequences of framework agreement now impacting Predicted reduction in ug uptake until 2020 Funding of research uncertain post-RAE – “end of the road” for research concentration? “Credit crunch” impact upon universities –Lack of development funding and investment opportunities –Impact of exchange rates on overseas journal purchasing is significant problem
Value challenges Need for return on investment –High expenditure, low income generation –Avoid being seen as an administrative drain Captive audience no longer in place Wider group of key stakeholders (including international) Repositioning of the information professional in the institution Competition as well as collaboration
The future is bright Integral to infrastructure and innovation of the research-intensive university Powerhouse in managing the research outputs of universities Leadership role for staff in embedding new high-level skills and values in future generations of researchers Demonstrate added value, corporate assets and intellectual leadership
The future is bright (2) Collaborate for maximum impact where necessary whilst retaining individual excellence Accept the challenges, counter inaction and lead the debate Tell the good stories and milk the facts Articulate and celebrate research libraries’ leading contribution to the public good and innovative research practice
Building the libraries of the future Managing the data revolution Dealing with digitisation Leading transformation Realising new platforms Building a community of practice Unlocking our staff potential Ensuring sustainability Assertiveness in an uncertain environment
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