1 Energies of Inquiry: what is the nature, form and role of different forms of energy required for different forms of mathematical and pedagogical inquiry? John Mason Agder Sept 2009 The Open University Maths Dept University of Oxford Dept of Education
2 Three Gunas & Multiple Selves Impartial Uncommitte d Objective Responsive Open Cautious Active Reactive Keyed up
3 Guna Grams for MSWord Impartial Uncommitted Objective Responsive Open Cautious Active Reactive Keyed up
4 Outline Stimulus –Surprise, frustration, curiosity Initiating –Barely Noticing; Marking; Recording Sustaining through commitments –Sharing (social); –Connecting (to literature) –Integrating for self –Influencing future practice
5 Context: Mathematics Getting Started Getting Involved Mulling Keeping Going Insight Being Sceptical Contemplating –reflecting, re-constructing, abstracting …
6 Context: Pedagogy Getting Started Getting Involved Mulling Keeping Going Insight Being Sceptical Contemplating –reflecting, re-constructing, abstracting …
7 Sources Thinking Mathematically (New Edition 2010) (Pearson) Researching Your own Practice Using the Discipline of Noticing (2002 Routledge)