FORENSIC ACCOUNTING - BA124 - Spring 2011Slide 8-1 Today’s Topics n Concealment Investigation Methods
FORENSIC ACCOUNTING - BA124 - Spring 2011Slide 8-2 Concealment Investigation n Examination of documents n Routine audits n Extended computer searches n Physical asset counts
FORENSIC ACCOUNTING - BA124 - Spring 2011Slide 8-3 Documentation n Documents do not forget …but n Keep in mind these cautions n Maintain chain of custody n Provide unique markings n Organize the evidence effectively n Strive to obtain original documentation n Consider use of Document Experts
FORENSIC ACCOUNTING - BA124 - Spring 2011Slide 8-4 Auditing & Sampling n Recalculation n Reasonableness n Documentation n Confirmation n Observation n Physical examination n Inquiry Statistical sampling plays a significant role here. But be careful of sampling and non- sampling errors. See discussion of discovery versus computer sampling.
FORENSIC ACCOUNTING - BA124 - Spring 2011Slide 8-5 Hard-To-Get-Documents n Subpoena n Search warrant n Voluntary consent