INDUSTRIAL DOCTORATE Presented by: School of Graduate Studies Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Background Rationale: The university acknowledges that industry practitioners and process owners have conducted many industry research projects, typically in areas like product development, system and process improvement, business strategy and various transformation initiatives. These research have also generated new knowledge in various areas and many leading to the establishment of new Intellectual Properties, like patents, copyrights, etc.
Rationale: It is a waste for not capitalizing this and the university should take the opportunity to award these industry researchers with a award like doctoral degree. This leads to the development and implementation of various industry-doctoral programmes in the university. Background
The first Industrial Doctoral programme started in Now UTM has 5 Industrial Doctoral programmes. Background
Razak School of Business & Advance Technology -Engineering Doctorate (Engineering Business Management) Faculty of Civil Engineering -Engineering Doctorate (Construction Technology & Management) Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering -Engineering Doctorate (Process Plant Management) Faculty of Computer Science & Information System -Doctor of Software Engineering School of Graduate Studies - Doctor of Engineering Education Industrial Doctorate Programme at UTM
“The Eng. Doc. programme is aimed at developing professionals and industry practitioners who are not only able to innovate but who are also able to implement the innovation in solving industrial problems and make significant contributions to the performance of their organization” Aims of Programme
To provide a framework for developing an analytical understanding of both the functional nature of management and the holistic integrated nature of business and technology. To provide knowledge and tools to enhance areas like engineering, engineering applications, operations and eventually profitability of their business. To understanding and develop key value adding activities of market, product and process development, operations and emerging competitive technology. To enable graduates to begin contributing to their organizations as early as possible. To produce graduates that will become effective change agents in organization, through research and development. Programme Objectives
Master degree or equivalent academic qualifications, and Company executives and managers, and Working experience: in technical or non-technical operations, and either in supervisory or managerial position. Admission Requirement
Engineering Doctorate in Engineering Business Management (EBM) The programme includes: A taught course component covering subjects to enhance candidates knowledge and skills in EBM An industry-focused applied research project, guided by joint academic and industrial supervisors. Programme Structure (Example)
Information System Strategy (ISS) Creativity & Innovation Strategy (CIS) Project Planning Management & Control (PPMC) Operation Strategy For Industry (OPSI) Quality Management & Techniques (QMT) Research Methodology (RM) The Taught Course for Eng. D. EBM.
NoProgrammes EnrolmentGraduated Total Graduated Sem 1 09/10 Sem 2 09/10 Sem 1 10/11 Sem 1 09/10 Sem 2 09/10 Sem 1 10/11 1.Engineering Doctorate (Engineering Business Management) Engineering Doctorate (Construction Technology & Management) Engineering Doctorate (Process Plant Management) Doctor of Software Engineering Doctor of Engineering Education Enrolment & Graduated of Eng Doc
The minimum duration of study depends on the entry qualification of the candidate. For candidates with a : Bachelor degree qualification, the minimum period of Eng. D candidature is 4 years (8 semesters) while for candidates with a Master degree qualification, the minimum period is 3 years (6 semesters). The maximum duration is 7 years (14 semesters) Duration of Programme
The Eng.D research project must be based in the industry. An agreement should be obtained from the top management of the industry or the cooperating company regarding their support and commitment to the Eng.D project. The candidate may be based at the university or a cooperating company for a specific period of time during the Eng.D candidature. The project must demonstrate innovation in the application of knowledge to solve a significant industrial problem, or to develop products or operations improvement. The work should make a significant contribution to the performance of the company. The project must be approved by the supervisors and the cooperating company with agreed objectives, deliverables, timescale and regular monitoring against these targets. The academic rigor and standard of the Eng.D dissertation must meet minimum standard of a doctoral dissertation. Research Project
The candidate will be supervised by an Academic Supervisor (AS) who is a full time graduate faculty employed by UTM. If necessary, more than one Academic Supervisor may be appointed for a candidate. An Industrial Supervisor is appointed to assist the Academic Supervisor in ensuring that the research is industry relevant. The Industrial Supervisor should be from the same organization or the same industry where the research is carried out. The Industrial Supervisor should be of a higher level in managerial position than the candidate. An Industrial Supervisor with a lower degree qualification may be appointed provided that he/she has significant experience in the relevant field. Supervision
o Oversee or guide the development of candidates - Skills - Competencies - Management o Guide, advise, support candidate’s research project - Innovations contribution - Publications - Knowledge (breadth and dept) o Ensure doctoral standards and requirement are met Roles of Acaddemic Supervisor
o Oversee or guide the development of candidates with emphasis to company’s and career development o Provide support and advice on the project o Provide linkages within the company – policy, decisions etc that affect research -Holds senior position -Having first degree (minimum) Roles of Industrial Supervisor
All taught course modules are graded according to UTM Post-Graduate Grading System. (Course module, Portfolios & Research Project) The candidate must achieve CPA 3.0 minimum for the taught course modules and a minimum grade of B- for each taught course module. The candidate has to submit a research progress report and make an oral presentation every semester. Assessment of both the research progress and the oral presentation will be done by an appointed panel of assessors and the supervisor(s). At the end of the candidature, a dissertation/thesis should be submitted for the purpose of examination. The Eng. Doc. dissertation is subject to the rules and regulations regarding the preparation and submission of UTM thesis / dissertation. Assessment
Candidate has to compile various document (listed here) as portfolios, if a comprehensive assessment has to be conducted: – End of project – Post modules – Publications – Presentation papers in seminar/ conference – Thesis Portfolios
Coursework ComponentRM 15, Research ComponentRM 30, Registration/ Processing Fees RM TOTALRM 45, An Example of an Engineering Doctorate Course Fee
Supervisors Quantity and Quality Experience Industrial exposure (for Academic Supervisor) Lack of Industrial Supervisor Incentives Examiners Quantity and Quality Experience an exposures Different expectation Variation in background and discipline Availability Trainings for Supervisors & Examiners Industrial Attachment for Supervisors Issues & Challenges
Process Distance Admission & Approval Supervision effectiveness Frequency of meeting Online Supervision through Specific System Automation of Process Issues & Challenges
No. ItemsApproximate Cost Remark 1.Students’ Fees (RM 50, per student) RM 50,000 X 800 students = 40 mil Fees will cover examination, examiner & supervisor remuneration. 2.Trainings for Supervisors & Examiners 400 X 5 days X RM300 = 0.6 mil 200 examiners & 200 supervisors 3.Industrial Attachment for Supervisors 200 X RM 2K X 6 mths = 2.4 mil 4.Online Supervision system4 mil Including Staffing & maintenance 5.Automation Process2.5 mil Including Staffing & maintenance 6.Benchmarking Visit to top universities 0.5 mil Involve MOHE & IPTAs staff Total50 mil Proposed Framework