Tech in the Workplace Setting up the Spreadsheet for the Stocks Section Registering on If you don’t have an account, Let the aids help you set one up. ( address must be school appropriate!)
Goals for Day 1 Set up your spreadsheet for keeping track of your stocks Spend as close to $50,000 as you can on 6 stocks –You will keep these stocks for the next 6 weeks and monitor their changes Record these choices in your spreadsheet. If Time: Create a second spreadsheet with the same format Spend $50,000 on as many, or as few, stocks as you would like. –You will be able to buy and sell these stocks as often as you would like.
Getting Started. Set up a spreadsheet as below You will enter your Stock password here. Price per Share * Quantity + Transaction Fee Price per Share * Quantity Stock Values + Cash - Margin Save as: YourNameStockFinal.xls
Picking your stocks Go to – om/ –Enter your company in the GET QUOTES Box –Record the Last Trade value in your spreadsheet under price per share,
Record your values on your Spreadsheet If you spent too much, put the different in the Margin cell If you did not quite spend all of your $50,000, put the difference in the Cash cell.