Computer Engineering Computing Curricula John Impagliazzo Pradip Srimani Andrew McGettrick Robert Sloan IEEE Computer Society / ACM Computing Curricula – Computer Engineering Task Force SIGCSE Symposium 2003 February 22
2 Presentation Overview (J.I) l 08:45 John - Introductions (5 mins) l 08:50 Pradip - CCCE and connection with CC2001 project (5 mins) l 08:55 Pradip - Computer engineering & report overview (10 mins) l 09:05 John - Importance of professionalism and history (10 mins) l 09:15 Andrew - Breadth of topic areas in report (15 mins) l 09:30 Robert - Focus on one area in detail (15 mins) l 09:45 Pradip & John - Questions (15 mins) l 10:00 Session ends
3 What is Computer Engineering? Computer engineering embodies the science and the technology of design, construction, implementation and maintenance of the hardware and the software components of modern computing systems and computer-controlled equipment. Computer engineers are solidly grounded in the theories and principles of computing, mathematics and engineering, and apply these theoretical principles to design hardware, software, networks, and computerized equipment and instruments to solve technical problems in diverse application domains.
4 Background: CC2001 (1) (P.S.) l Computing Curricula 2001 Joint effort of IEEE – CS and ACM Started in 1998 Revise and update 1991 model curricula Address developments of past decade and endure through the next decade Separate volumes for Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Information Systems Computer Science Volume completed in Dec. 2001
5 Background: CC2001 (2) l Computer Engineering Task Force Established 2001 16 members currently Representation of diverse interests/institutions l Curricular Guidelines Science & math, engineering core Intersections with EE and CS Emphasize design and creativity Laboratory experience Industry-standard modern tools
6 Outline of the CCCE Volume Woodenman Version Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Computer Engineering Principles Chapter 3. Professionalism and Computer Engineering Chapter 4. Overview of the Computer Engineering Body of Knowledge Chapter 5. Integration of Engineering Practice into the Computer Engineering Curriculum Chapter 6. Curriculum Implementation Issues Chapter 7. Characteristics of Computer Engineering Graduates Chapter 8. Management Issues Chapter 9. Conclusions Bibliography Appendix A Knowledge Units Appendix B Course Descriptions
7 Professionalism (1) (J.I.) l Computer engineers design and implement computing systems that affect the public l Computer engineers should hold a special sense of responsibility l Almost every aspect of their work can have a public consequence
8 Professionalism (2) l Consequences of professional practice should focus on the public good l Computer engineers must consider the professional, societal, and ethical context in which they practice
9 Practice and Conduct l Do the right thing l Foster best practices l Understand ethical practices l Understand legal issues
10 Codes of Ethics and Practices (1) National Society of Professional Engineers - NSPE Code of Ethics for Engineers Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE): IEEE Code of Ethics Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
11 Codes of Ethics and Practices (2) ACM/IEEE-Computer Society: Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP): Harmonization of Professional Standards and also Ethics of Computing Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP): AITP Code of Ethics and the AITP Standards of Conduct
12 Industry Needs National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Conducts annual survey to determine what qualities employers consider most important in applicants seeking employment. What do you think employers want??
13 Top Ten Factors in Communication skills (verbal and written) 2. Honesty/integrity 3. Teamwork skills 4. Interpersonal skills 5. Motivation/initiative 6. Strong work ethic 7. Analytical skills 8. Flexibility & adaptability 9. Computer skills 10. Self-confidence
14 Breadth of Topic Areas (A.M.) l Elements of Hardware l Elements of Software l Elements of Computer Theory l Elements of Mathematics l Elements of Science l Elements of General Education
15 The Body of Knowledge l Hierarchical Structure Disciplinary subfields (e.g., digital logic) Units or thematic modules (e.g., switching theory) Topics (e.g., number systems) l Core vs. Elective Units Core = should be included in all programs Elective = inclusion based on program objectives and/or student interest l Organization of BOK does not imply organization of a curriculum
16 Body of Knowledge Topics (1) l Core Topic Areas (15) (Woodenman Version) SPRSocial and Professional Issues CSEComputer Systems Engineering CAOComputer Architecture and Organization SWESoftware Engineering HCIHuman Computer Interaction ESYEmbedded Systems OPSOperating Systems CSYCircuits and Systems (continued)
17 Body of Knowledge Topics (2) NWKNetworks ELEElectronics DIGDigital Logic PRFProgramming Fundamentals ALGAlgorithms and Complexity DSCDiscrete Structures PRSProbability and Statistics
18 Body of Knowledge Topics (3) l Elective Topic Areas (7) (Woodenman Version) DSPDigital Signal Processing VLSVLSI/ASIC Design DGADesign Automation ACPAlternative Computing Paradigms TFTTesting and Fault Tolerance INSIntelligent Systems IHMInformation Management
19 Comp. Systems Engineering (R.S) CSE 0. History and overview of computer systems design [core] CSE 1. Overview of systems engineering [core] CSE 2. Theoretical considerations [elective] CSE 3. Life cycle [core] CSE 4. Requirements analysis and elicitation [core] CSE 5. Specification [core] CSE 6. Architectural design [core] CSE 7. Implementation CSE 8. Testing CSE 9. Maintenance CSE 10. Project management CSE 11. Specialist systems CSE 12. Hardware and software co-design
20 CSE 3: Life Cycle [core] (1) Minimum core coverage : 2 hours Topics: 1.Nature of life cycle, role of life cycle model. Quality in relation to the life cycle. 2.Influence of system size on choice of life cycle model and nature of system – agility issues. 3.Different models of the life cycle – strengths and weaknesses of each. 4.The concept of process. Process improvement. Basis for this is information. 5.Gathering information. 6.Maturity models. Standards and guidelines.
21 CSE 3: Life Cycle [core] (2) Learning objectives: 1.Recognize the need for a disciplined approach to system development and explain the elements of this in particular contexts. 2.Explain how data should be gathered to inform process improvement.
22 What Happens Next? (P.S.) l Strawman Body of Knowledge (2002 June) Preliminary draft Public review and comment via website Solicited review by topic experts Wide participation sought, including international l Woodenman CCCE Volume (2003 February) Review of BOK and text chapters l Ironman CCCE Volume (2003 Summer) l Submission to IEEE-CS and ACM (2003 Dec)
23 WHAT SHOULD COMPUTER ENGINEERS KNOW? The Woodenman version of the Body of Knowledge from the “Computing Curricula: Computer Engineering” volume is now available for public review. This is a draft and input from the entire professional community is being solicited. This is your opportunity to voice opinions, comments, and concerns and to help shape the final document. IEEE-CS / ACM Computing Curricula: Computer Engineering Task Force
24 Questions ???