CS525z Multimedia Networking Review
Analog to Digital What is the relationship between –Fidelity and Sample Size –Fidelity and Sample Rate
Audio What are typical voice quality audio rates? What are typical music quality audio rates? Why are they different?
Graphics What is a pel/pixel? What are the components of a graphic image?
Frame Rate What frame rate is full motion video? What is a lower bound on acceptable frame rates?
Effects of Delay What are typical delay bounds for: –Interactive multimedia –Streaming multimedia –Web browsing
Jitter What is one technique that can be used to remove jitter? –What is a drawback with this technique?
Speech Detection Why do speech detection? What are the challenges with speech detection in many typical computing environments?
Speech Detection What is the definition of energy in a sound sample? What is the definition of zero crossing rate? How are they both used in [RS75]?
Video Compression What is spatial compression? What is temporal compression?
MPEG Compression What is an I-frame? What is a P-frame? What is a B-frame? What is a Group of Pictures (GOP)?
MPEG Compression Why not have all I-frames in a GOP? Why not have all B-frames in a GOP?
Computer Science What are the steps in the scientific methodology? True or False –Every computer science experiment needs to evaluate a proposed solution –All experimental data gathered should be presented in the analysis
LHPT95 What is their hypothesis? What is their methodology? What is one of their observations?
LHPT95 What are some of the possible sources of error in their experimental methodology? –Which do they address?
WS00 What is their (implicit) hypothesis?
WS00 What are some of the possible non-network related degradations they identify?
MH00 What is their methodology? True or False (based on the paper): –Most RealAudio uses TCP –RealAudio can use 2 flows, one for control and one for data –RealAudio is CBR over all time scale What are some other uses of the results from the paper?
BID02 What is the motivation of their paper? What is their methodology? What is a major finding? True or False: –The Internet provides VoIP equivalent to phones –If we made routing reliable, the Internet would provide VoIP equivalent to phones
SJ95 What is the E-Policy? What is the I-Policy? When, in general, is the E-Policy good? When, in general, is the I-Policy good? What is a talkspurt?
SJ95 How does QM-120 work? What is QM-(600,2)? What is the motivation behind it? What is one item of future work?
FHPW00 Why not TCP? Why TCP-Friendly?
TFRC How is RTT computed? How is p computed? What is history discounting? What happens if the sender has no data to send?
FHPW00 Interpret the data What are the main conclusions?
CZC02 What is the methodology they employed to study UDP congestion responsiveness? Do they find RealVideo UDP flows are responsive to congestion?
CZC02 What are some of the cited reasons streaming media applications do not use TCP? What are the reasons CZC02 finds that streaming media applications do not use TCP?
PHH98 What is the classification for sender-based repair? –Give an example What is the classification of receiver-based repair? –Give an example
PHH98 What is Forward Error Correction (FEC)? What is one of the advantages of Media Dependent FEC? What is interleaving? What is one of the disadvantages of interleaving? What is noise substitution?
PCM00 What is “fixed” FEC? Why is it sub-optimal? What are some problems with the Bolot algorithm? How does the USF algorithm work? What methodology do they use for testing?
PCM00 USF better Bolot better Interpret the above graph.
PCM00 Future work?
FB00 What is the “fundamental” tradeoff between error resilience and compression (for video)? Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR): –What is it good for? –What are some problems with it relative to perceived quality?
FB02 - Interpret the Graph
HKBT01 What “alternate” service does ABE offer? –What is green traffic? –What is blue traffic?
HKBT01 What does it mean to say “Green does not hurt Blue”? Based on below formula, what happens if green cuts in line? How to fix?
HKBT01 Using DSD, what is the order of serving packets?
HKBT01 What is the significance of this graph?
NT02 What are the three applications that motivate the classes used? What is the difference between HTTP 1.0 and HTTP 1.1? What are the issues with TCP flows with small windows?
MJV96 Why can’t the server just use one bandwidth for all users in a multicast session? What is “Layered Video”? What is Receiver-driven about RLM?
MJV96 What is shared learning? How does RLM scale with the number of receivers? How does RLM scale with the number of sessions?