The Work of Culture in the Age of Cybernetic Systems Bill Nichols
American historian and theoretician of documentary film. Professor of Cinema and Director of the Graduate Program in Cinema Studies at San Francisco State University Newsreel: documentary filmmaking on the American left, New York: Arno Press, 1980 Ideology and the image: social representation in the cinema and other media, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1981. Blurred boundaries: questions of meaning in contemporary culture,Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1994. Representing Reality. Issues and Concepts in Documentary, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991 Introduction to documentary, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2001.
Benjamin, Walter.‘The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction’ 1936 How cybernetic systems, symbolized by the computer, represent a set of transformations in our conception of and relation to self and reality of a magnitude commensurate with the transformations in the conception of and relation to self and reality wrought by mechanical reproduction and symbolized by the camera. (627)
Contrast characteristics of cybernetic systems with those of mechanical reproductions Establish a metaphor with which to understand these cybernetic systems How this metaphor acquires the force of the real
Mechanical reproduction and Film Culture The transformation strips art of its aura Art without aura is a substitute for mystique Transformation of perception Manifestation industrial capitalism montage
Cybernetic Systems and Electronic Culture Simulation as an imaginary Other Cybernetic interaction: Simulating processes of conversation
Cybernetic Systems and Electronic Culture Mechanical reproduction Changes relation to original work The copy reproduces the world Cybernetic systems Changes relation to environment and mind The chip simulates the world
Cybernetic Systems and Electronic Culture Mechanical reproduction Fascination with a fetishized object of desire Desire for the fixed but unattainable and the illusion of possession Cybernetic systems Fetishistic addiction to a process of logical simulation Desire for the dialogic or interactive and the illusion of control
Cybernetic Metaphor Human as automated intelligent system and vice versa: simulation of real, reality as simulation Baudrillard: staging powers of simulation establish a hyperreality Cyborg as new identity Judicial-political: human/computer and reality/simulation
Cybernetic Metaphor Copyright: intellectual property Patent: technological property Original practical applications of nature vs force of nature Software as algorithms Copyright: does not protect ideas, processes, procedures, systems and methods
Pac Man vs KC Munchkin 1981: central character as personality - fetishization of the image as object 1982: as genre, differences are not noticed by player - fetishization of the process as object
Transformative potential The task is not to overthrow the prevailing cybernetic model but to transgress its predefined interdictions and limits, using the dynamite of the apperceptive powers it has itself brought into being. (640)