Status of analysis & MC farms 30/08/2002 Concezio Bozzi INFN Ferrara.


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Presentation transcript:

Status of analysis & MC farms 30/08/2002 Concezio Bozzi INFN Ferrara

30/08/02 Concezio Bozzi (Ferrara) The name of the game Three farms in Italy today: –“MC”: for official Simulation Production (formerly at Caspur, now at INFN Rome) –“Analysis”: a Tier B with Kanga data located at Caspur (Rome) –“Repro”: located in Padova, will reprocess all Babar Run1+Run2 data starting this summer

30/08/02 Concezio Bozzi (Ferrara) INFN Farms in Rome MonteCarlo Farm -Today -Upgrade Analysis Farm -Today - Upgrade MonteCarlo Farm has been moved June 15 th from Caspur to INFN (Rome) The Analysis Farm is still at Caspur

30/08/02 Concezio Bozzi (Ferrara) MonteCarlo Farm today - 1 server Linux, dual cpu, PIII 800 MHz, 512 MB (NFS and lock servers, batch queues, MocaEspresso) (NFS and lock servers, batch queues, MocaEspresso) - 14 Linux clients, dual cpu, PIII 800 MHz, 768 MB - 2 Array RAID EIDE : 2x0,5 = 1 TB Event rate: 3.5 M events/month 30 M events in 1 year

MonteCarlo Farm: jobs

30/08/02 Concezio Bozzi (Ferrara) Farm MonteCarlo: comparisons …

30/08/02 Concezio Bozzi (Ferrara) Farm MonteCarlo: comparisons … 19.4 M events from August 15 th 2001 to June 15 th 2002

Farm MonteCarlo: comparisons … we are here !

30/08/02 Concezio Bozzi (Ferrara) MonteCarlo Farm: CPU SCSI problems stop/start production re-validation

30/08/02 Concezio Bozzi (Ferrara) MonteCarlo Farm: disk & net

30/08/02 Concezio Bozzi (Ferrara) MonteCarlo Farm: Upgrades 2002: increase production to 6-8 Mevents/month - clone Linux farm CPUs, 1.26GHz, 1 GB RAM: installing now - Server and disk (1TB) ordered - use Analysis farm resources when available -Problems with a Sun disk (1TB), recovering… 2003: increase production to 20 M events/month - more CPUs (150*30SpecInt95 ~ GHz 2xCPUs) - use repro farm whenever possible

30/08/02 Concezio Bozzi (Ferrara) Analysis Farm: Today -5 Sun E450, 4x400 MHz, 2GB (NFS data server) -15 Linux clients, dual cpu, PIII 1 GHz, 1 GB: -1 Sun Ultra 10: lock server - 1 Sun Ultra 10: monitoring (to be dismissed soon) -Disk space: 9 TB for Kanga -Data: AllEvents + 8 streams. The complete (99-02) dataset is available -MC: ~650M events available -Private & Toy MC -SP MC production as “infn2” (lower priority wrt analysis)

30/08/02 Concezio Bozzi (Ferrara) Analysis Farm: users SUN Linux

30/08/02 Concezio Bozzi (Ferrara) Analysis Farm: jobs Linux CPU efficiency Running jobs Pending jobs

30/08/02 Concezio Bozzi (Ferrara) Analysis farm: Upgrade 2002: -17 Linux clients, dual cpu (in hand) -3TB disk space (ordered): 15TB total This will be enough until March : -cpu power x3: SpecInts95 (50 1.6GHz 2xCPUs) -Disk: from Padova (?) -maintain Kanga until end of reprocessing, (spring 03) -Next: Computing Model Working Group OBJY vs. non-OBJY Event Store, MINI vs. MICRO, etc…

30/08/02 Concezio Bozzi (Ferrara) Babar-Grid -Some activity going on in Italy -Define and implement a Grid-scheme for MC production -Installing/testing on the INFN-Grid Ferrara testbed

30/08/02 Concezio Bozzi (Ferrara) Farmers …. -Ferrara: D. Andreotti, V. Azzolini, C. Bozzi, E. Luppi + CS students -Padova: A. Ceseracciu, A. Crescente, A. Dorigo, F. Galeazzi, M. Marzolla, M. Morandin, R. Stroili, G. Tiozzo, G. Vedovato -Rome: C. Bulfon, F. Safai Tehrani -Trieste: G. Della Ricca