Leadership MGMT E-4000 Class 6 October 8, 2009
2 “What Leaders Really Do” (Kotter) ManagementLeadership Coping with complexityCoping with change Planning and budgeting Setting direction Organizing and staffingAligning people Controlling and Motivating people Problem Solving
3 Leadership “The art of mobilizing others to want to struggle to achieve shared goals and aspirations” Adapted from Kouzes and Posner, 2001 “The Leadership Challenge”
4 Kouzes and Posner The Leadership Challenge Model the Way Inspire a Shared Vision Challenge the Process Enable Others to Act Encourage the Heart
5 Best Leader Identify a facilitator, recorder, and reporter With respect to the leader you wrote about, what are the behaviors they used that made them the best? 3 minutes per person Identify 3-4 common themes Report out on top themes
6 “In the fields I have studied, emotional intelligence is much more powerful than IQ in determining who emerges as a leader. IQ is a threshold competence. You need it, but it doesn’t make you a star. Emotional intelligence can.” - Warren Bennis, author of On Becoming a Leader
7 EQ and the Brain Emotions reside in the Limbic System, which is much older in evolution than the Neo-cortex, where cognitive abilities (IQ) resides. We feel, then we think.
8 Goleman’s EI Model Self-Management SkillsAbility to Relate to Others -Self-Awareness-Empathy -Self-Regulation-Social Skill -Motivation
9 Goleman’s EI Model What I See Personal Competence Social Competence What I Do Self-Awareness Social Awareness Self-Management Relationship Management
10 Key Questions To Ask Yourself: Self-Awareness Can I accurately identify my own emotions and tendencies as they happen? Self-Management Can I manage my emotions and behavior to a positive outcome? Social Awareness Can I accurately identify others’ emotions and tendencies as I interact with them? Relationship Management Can I manage the interactions I have with others constructively and to a positive outcome?
11 “Be yourself, no base imitator of another, but your best self. There is something which you can do better than another. Listen to the inward voice and bravely obey that.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
12 Authentic Leadership What does it look like? How do others respond to authentic leadership? What is the impact of authenticity? –What is the impact when it’s lacking?
13 Examples of Authentic Leaders Think of a public leader who you consider an authentic leader. What does s/he do that is authentic? How do others respond to that authenticity? Flip side with a leader who isn’t authentic
14 Crucibles of Leadership Engage others in shared meaning A distinctive, compelling voice Integrity Adaptive capacity