ESPON Seminar Evidence-based Cohesion Policy: Territorial Dimension November 2011, Krakow, Poland Best Development Conditions in European Metropolises: Paris, Berlin and Warsaw BEST METROPOLISES
Best Metropolises Project Partners Lead Partner Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences Project Partners Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning (IRS) Paris Region Planning and Development Agency, IAU île-de-France (formerly IAURIF) NORDREGIO - Nordic Centre for Spatial Development Spiekermann & Wegener, Urban and Regional Research Stakeholder Cities Paris, Berlin, Warsaw
objectives Identification of factors that determine the development of Paris, Berlin and Warsaw and their metropolitan areas The project aims at providing information on metropolitan development trends policy measures to guide the development Policy themes: living conditions intra-metropolitan mobility + metropolitan region and adjacent municipalities governance of metropolitan area 3
development problems / expected results Metropolitan areas: engines for development fragmentation, transportation, environmental problems, social inequalities Paths of development: sustainable metropolitan development? factors for success? regularities / common problems? European dimension 4
What are the consequences of metropolization for cities and their metropolitan areas? Who benefits from metropolization? Metropolization – endogenous – exogenous – guided - spontaneous What is the impact of metropolization on cities’ development potential? How do political, organizational, spatial, and socio-economic contexts influence processes of formulating development policies and their performance? Types of relationships within metropolitan areas How to evaluate development policies in terms of their efficiency in achieving sustainable development goals? Evolution of metropolises – directions and drivers policy questions 5
policy questions: room for maneuver? metropolitan / territorial context of development --- still metropolises abstract creatures from policy making perspective? bottlenecks for development efforts? who rules?