Communication: Resumes to Thank Yous Bernadette Lopez& Krista Benson, M.A. Eastern Washington University Career Services
Resumes and Cover Letters Proofed, error-free documents Professionally-appropriate Appropriate phone message Cover letter written to the organization signatures Internet presence
Professional s Write a clear subject line that actually summarizes what you are looking for. Address the individual in the , and remember to call that person by their full name unless you know differently. Punctuate. Capitalize appropriately. Use complete words and sentences; this is not texting. Check your spelling. Be nice and thank me for answering. Sign your full name and give what ever information needed to respond.
Professional Writing Correspondence
Networking Communication: Why network? –Networking is the most effective job search method –Requires time and effort, but reaps great rewards –At least 60% - some report even higher statistics - of all jobs are found by networking
Networking is An opportunity to give and receive information The possibility of building key relationships A way to achieve mutual goals and objectives Networking is not A chance to monopolize time To “show up” others The place to pressure people into something A commitment or obligation About free food and drink
Networking & Job Searching It’s all about relationships. 1.Make a list of everyone you know – and people they know 2.Sign up for an alumni mentoring program 3.Join chapter of a professional society that relates to your career choice 4.Volunteer at a local museum, theater, homeless shelter – anywhere that remotely relates to your field of study 5.Speak to company representatives at career fairs, even if you’re not ready to look for a job 6.Attend company information sessions at your college 7.Schedule informational interviews 8.Be courteous in your conversations, send thank you notes 9.Be aware of companies that you want to work for – check their websites
What to say? Identify 2 or 3 strengths with specific situations Have 2 or 3 talking points related to the company Appropriate conversation –Avoid: religion / politics / money Two questions often asked in networking functions 1.“What sort of job are you looking for?” 2.“Tell me about yourself” –Be sure to know key points about your: Background Education Accomplishments Personality Industry Job
Professional Writing Correspondence
Online Social Networking Sites Inland Northwest Launch Pad – LinkedIn – Facebook –
Seattle-Area Resources organization/washington/seattlehttp:// organization/washington/seattle –Search for Jobs (EagleAXIS Search & NACELink) –Job Blasts –Sign up for Career Counseling Appointments (Can be done over the phone, via Skype, or using webcams)
References Career Center, Mount Holyoke College (2005) Christa Stream, Enterprise Rent-A-Car (2009) Job Choices Magazine, National Association of Colleges and Employers (2009)
Career Services Contact Information Go to for more Key contacts/advisors: Krista Benson, Bernadette Lopez, Romeal Watson, Sign up for appointments at