What is Terrorism? Acrostic T E R O R Terrorism:the systematic use of violence for psychological effect to terrorize and coerce a wider audience. Video clip
Popcorn Reading: Inside Terrorism,p Directions: 1)Instructor begins reading text. 2)Instructor stops reading and a students picks up where it was left off. 3)Students jump-in like “popcorn” to take turns reading the rest of the text. 4)Discussion of text
Cold War Example of Terrorism Article(s)/ Retelling of American Support for Afghans against USSR w/ guiding questions 1)Who are the players? 2)What are the motives/demands? 3)What are the actions by the “players”? 4)What was the effect of the actions? 5)Did they achieve their objectives? 6)Suggest possible alternative solutions?
Mujahideen (Islamic guerrillas) stand on top of a Soviet helicopter they brought down in Afghanistan in Saudi multimillionaire Osama bin Laden helped finance training camps for the mujahideen, who fought against the Soviet Union’s military occupation of Afghanistan and were trained by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Thousands of these guerrilla fighters later joined the al-Qaeda terrorist network that bin Laden founded after the Soviets were ousted.
9/11 remembrance slide show
“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” Gandhi Reflection quick- write 1)What does this quote mean? 2)How can we relate it to the causes and effects of terrorism?