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Caravel had triangular sails that helped the ships sail against the strong winds at sea The astrolabe became an important tool in plotting latitude. The compass also aided the captains by keeping them headed in the right direction
Prince Henry starts a navigation school after returning from the Crusades They sail down the western coast of Africa and begin trading with Africa for gold and Ivory Eventually they trade for slaves Bartolomeu Diaz accidently sails around the southern tip of Africa during a storm.
1497 Vasco da Gama explores east coast of Africa and lands in India The cargo they brought back was worth 60 times the cost of the trip Portugal now had a sea route to Asia
Columbus claims west indies for Spain and Portugal thinks he claimed Portuguese lands in India Pope tries to ease tensions with the treaty of Tordesillas Dutch create Dutch East India Company and control the East Indies
England establishes English East India Company and posts in India France tries to establish company and posts but fail because of Dutch attacks