NEWA – weather app’s for IPM NYS IPM Program’s Network for Environment & Weather Applications Juliet Carroll Cornell University
NYS IPM Program’s Network for Environment & Weather Applications In collaboration with the Northeast Regional Climate Center and RainWise, Inc Web-based weather station data. Weather summaries & degree days. IPM forecast models and crop models. Links to National Weather Service products NOAA’s drought information NY NASS weather stats Data collected precipitation temperature leaf wetness relative humidity solar radiation wind speed wind direction. Map showing station locations
New website Easier navigation Header menu and footer on all web pages Launched Nov 2009
NEWA’s Station Pages Quick links Current pest forecasts Location-specific information
precipitation temperature leaf wetness relative humidity solar radiation wind speed wind direction Hourly data Daily summary Degree days –base 4C, 32, 40, 43, 45, 48, 50, 55 & 86/50 F Weather data Links to National Weather Service products NOAA’s drought information NY NASS weather stats
Pest Forecasts Interactive pages Mini-expert systems 5-day pest forecasts Grower’s biofix Crop phenology Insect first catch
Future Directions New pest forecast models New crop development models Expansion networks Data delivery via internet Utilization of weather forecasts in all the models. Integration of NEWA’s output pages with other web-based technologies