William B. Baun, EPD, FAWHP Manager, Wellness Programs Wellness A Strategic Vision at UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Wellness…. a journey for all at M.D. Anderson Place…of wellness CEO Cancer Gold Standard Employee Wellness Program At M. D. Anderson, we realize that physical healing is only part of the puzzle. Place...of wellness is an environment where all persons touched by cancer may enhance their quality of life through programs that complement medical care and focus on the mind, body and spirit. Employee Health & Well-being’s wellness philosophy emphasizes the need for individuals to engage in behaviors that develop optimal health and to support others in their wellness journey.
Why Employee Wellness? 16,321 employees Over 20,000 admissions 153,615 patient days, 90% occupancy 13,800 surgeries and 50,442 surgery hours 656,744 outpatient clinic visits, treatment and procedures 7,465,070 pathology & lab medicine procedures 384,882 diagnostic imaging procedures 250,068 radiation oncology procedures 300,000+ volunteer hours 1,641 traineesCaring Integrity Discovery
Strategic Vision Strategy We will promote employee health and well-being through wellness programs, employee amenities, flexible work schedules, and provision of a safe and secure workplace. Examples of tactics: Develop employee programs that promote personal responsibility for good health. Prevent work-related injuries Expand awareness of the Employee Assistance and Faculty Assistance Programs that provide confidential diagnostic, consulting and referral services. Goal 5: Advance M. D. Anderson as an Employer of Choice
Implementation Challenges Responsibility is changing: moving from paternalistic medical care to self-care and responsibility Broken system: 70% physician visits unnecessary, 20+ million diabetes – 30% undiagnosed, 1 in 3 have hypertension; 68% obese or overweight, 62% adults not engaged in physical activity, 40% workers report job very stressful, 75% of adults don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables Health is moving from a cost driver to a “performance driver”: establishing performance values for the individual and management (reducing absenteeism, work related injuries, disability, presenteeism, etc.) Worksite wellness must change climate and culture: takes time, requires ownership at all levels of the organization, needs infrastructure & resources Access and convenience “rule”: growing knowledge, skills and commitment through participation and multiple touch points brings about behavior change
The CEO Cancer Gold Standard A vision that could reduce cancer by 60 – 65% Risk Reduction – Early Detection – Quality Care Five Focus Areas: Tobacco use Screening and Early Detection Diet and Nutrition Physical Activity Access to Quality Treatment and Clinical Trials In January 2007, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center became the nation’s first healthcare system to receive accreditation as a CEO Cancer Gold Standard program
An Integrated Team within Human Resources Employee Health & Well-being An Integrated Team within Human Resources Vision: We will provide accessible and innovative solutions to enhance health and to balance work and family. Mission: We will improve the overall health and well-being of our employees and UT M. D. Anderson Cancer Center.
Strategic Foundation Policies that support work life balance Brand our program as a key “employer of choice” benefit “Whole person” focus – emotional health, a climate of safety Ensure 24/7 access Obtain senior and middle management sponsorship Create value with departmental programming Target hard-to-reach and high risk groups Cultural and environmental focus Individuals Customized Div/ Dept Interventions Targeted Groups Comprehensive Program Model Critical Success Factors
Program Mix – Key to Program Success Program Mix - IntensitiesAwareness Behavioral Change Environmental Support Program Lines Stress Tobacco Parenting Physical Activity Nutrition and Weight Management Working Mothers Rooms
Three Simple Concepts that must be addressed….. Engagement Sustainability Accountability
Collaborators and Partners in Health and Wellness at M.D. Anderson The Division of Human Resources –CHRO Support –Rewards and Recognition –Employee Development –Generalist Organization Environmental Health & Safety The Division of Cancer Prevention Our employees!
Wellness Champs A Critical Success/Participation Strategy Personal knowledge of their departments and employees help them target our messages effectively Activism Symbols of their role within wellness – notebooks, pins, recognition Opportunities to interact with executive management Willingness to assist with the critical details of program implementation Recognition activities – annual awards ceremony
An Institutional Attack on Obesity Two wellness dietitians Individual coach / counseling opportunities Multiple Weight Watcher locations Pyramid Plate daily dining option Healthy Choice vending machines Reasonable costs of water, fruit, vegetables Supermarket Tours “Rock Steady” program Coming in the Near Future Recognition of Rock Steady departments Foods that Prevent Cancer ‘Just4U’ a point of purchase dining service system Bike Barn Fitness Center Wide range of physical activity options Walk, run & bike clubs “Speed up metabolism” class Buddy up Challenge Colorful Choice Challenge
Continuous Improvement Focus Web based health risk assessment Fitness & nutrition calculators Easy access Multiple health tracking opportunities Self-care online resources Backend support of coach / counselor model Implementing HealthCalc Web Platform
Three Simple Critical Concepts We MUST Continue Together Engagement Engagement – UT can become a wellness focused community / culture from the time of hire through retirement. Sustainability Sustainability – Better integration of prevention / wellness opportunities and incentives for employees, dependents and retirees across the entire system. Accountability Accountability – Better tools and tracking systems to help individuals gain the knowledge, skills and commitment it takes to be successful at behavior change. UT system level best practice groups initiated to ensure sharing of success factors and tracking of follow through.