Short-Term Mating Strategies Why Jerry Springer is so Much Fun
Inter-Sexual Differences Once again, we come to minimum investment Women have greater obligatory investment, so have greater risk in pursuing short-term mating (STM) strategy Men invest less, so have less to risk
Male Benefits Greater number of offspring Due to greater reproductive variance among males Achieved through larger number of partners rather than invest in one partner
Male Costs STDs “Womanizer” reputation Decreased parental investment Death or injury from jealous husbands, female’s kin Cuckolding by, or loss of, long-term mate (LTM)
Adaptive Problems for Males Partner Variety Sexual accessibility of female partners Fertility identification Commitment avoidance
Evidence for Male STM (1) Physiological Sperm competition Behavioural Incidence of extra-pair copulation Prostitution seeking
Evidence for Male STM (2) Psychological Desire for partner variety (Coolidge effect) Desire for early intercourse Lowered & changed standards Closing time phenomenon Sexual fantasies
Female Benefits Resources** Good or diverse genes (untested) Mate switching** Improved mating skills* Increasing status* Mate manipulation or expulsion Jury still out: field research needed
Female Costs Reputation of promiscuity Increased risk of abuse and rape Sole parental responsibilities for offspring Increased incidence of infanticide Risk loss of LTM STDs
Evidence for Female STM Female orgasm Increased sperm retention Ovulation & copulation timing in STM Incidence of extra-pair copulations
Context Effects Sexual gratification Life transitions Sex ratio Self-perceived mating success & self-esteem
Selection of Reproductive Traits HumanChimpanzeeOrangutanGorilla Penis Testes HumanChimpanzeeOrangutanGorilla Breasts
The Wrap-Up Minimum investment Costs & benefits for STM Evidence Context effects Selected physiological characteristics
Things to Come The Problems of Parenting Sex differences in parental care Genetic relatedness Investment Abuse & neglect Offspring reproductive success Parent-offspring conflict