American Catholic Experience
What is Catholicism? Much in common with other Christians, but Distinctive pattern of: Sacramentality Mediation Communion
Sacramentality Greeley: world full of “hints of God” Physical matter presents/mediates divine realities 7 Sacraments: all involve physical matter, like water, bread, or oil They “cause” what they signify: make grace present Basis: if God is found in all things, then all matter is capable of mediating divine presence “incarnational principle”: God became human
Mediation Belief: all experiences of God must be mediated: through people, stuff, etc. Grounding: as embodied beings, people always learn through their senses The infinite (God) is encountered in the finite (world) God makes this possible for the sake of human beings, not vice versa As such, clergy and saints help one encounter God. They are not barriers, but can pray for you and help you.
Communion In a special way, God is encountered in people gathered together Jesus: where two or three are gathered, I am there (Matt. 18:20) Second Vatican Council: Christ is truly present in the people gathered for worship Therefore community is essential for encountering God Why have a “Sunday obligation”? Access to grace of sacrament is mediated in the community. Salvation is fundamentally love, which is community
Comparisons How is American Catholicism like American Protestantism? What are distinctive characteristics of both?
For next time Before reading, list what you know and think about Judaism After reading, list what you have learned, especially what is different from your pre- conceptions Point: how is Jewish self-understanding different from Christians views of Judaism? Big point: how has America been important for Jewish experience?