Antarmuka Pemakai (User Interface)
Kerangka Kerja 7C Context Content Commerce Community Connection Site’s layout and design Content Text, pictures, sound and video that webpages contain Commerce Site’s capability to enable commercial transactions Community The ways sites enable user-to-user communication Connection Degree site is linked to other sites Customization Site’s ability to self-tailor to different users or to allow personalization Communication The ways sites enable site-to-user communication or two-way communication
Context Function Aesthetics The layout of the site: Section breakdown Linking structure Navigation tools The performance of the site: Speed Reliability Platform independence Media accessibility Usability The aesthetic nature of the site: Color scheme Visual themes
Content Choices Dimensions Offering Mix Appeal Mix Multimedia Mix Content Type Choices Products Cognitive functional, low price, availability, etc. Text Current highly time-sensitive Bloomberg, Reuters, etc. Audio Information Image Emotional humor, warmth, stories, etc. Reference less time-sensitive, etc. Video Services Graphics
Community Interactive Noninteractive Chat Public Member Webpages Asynchronous chat allows users to consider and formulate responses Instant Messaging Allows messages to happen quickly because each participant sees the message within seconds of when it is sent Message Boards Allows users to communicate by posting messages at a location on the site Member-to-Member E-Mail The”killer app” of the Web, acting as a virtual post office for digitized messages Public Member Webpages Community members may have the option of crafting their own webpages on a particular site Member Content Similar to public member webpages this content is generated by members
Customization Personalization Tailoring Log-in Registration Cookies The site recognizes returns users and configures itself accordingly Cookies Temporarily files that track and gather data about user’s behavior Personalized E-mail Accounts Provided free-of-charge to site users Content and Layout Configuration Selection is based on users interests Storage Sites provide virtual hard-disk storage Agents Designed to perform simple tasks Based on Past User Behavior Many sites adjust themselves dramatically based on a user’s behavior and preferences Based on Behavior of Other Users With Similar Preferences Some sites make recommendations to the user based on preferences of other users with similar profiles
Communications Broadcast Interactive Mass Mailings FAQs Broadcast transmissions of large volumes of e-mail targeted at large audiences FAQs Answers to frequently asked questions E-Mail Newsletters Inform site subscribers of site changes, special offers, etc. Content-Update Reminders E-mail reflecting user interest in a particular content area Broadcast Events Events can be broadcast from a website (webcast) that allows limited user control E-Commerce Dialogue Organizations and users trade e-mails regarding order placement, tracking and fulfillment Customer Service Organizations can provide customer service through trading e-mails or live online dialogue User Input User-generated content such a supplier ratings and user feedback to the site
Connection ? %? Links Home Site Background Outsourced Content Links can take the user completely outside of the home site Links can take the user to a new site, but the home site is still in the background Site content is derived from third parties % of Home Site Content Pathway of Connection KEY %? ? Home site Connected Sites Does the site lead users to other sites, or does it simply retrieve information from outside sites? What percentage of content originates from the home site and how much is outsourced?
Functional Tools of Commerce Registration Allows the site to store information about users and user preferences Shopping Cart Users can place items in their personal, virtual shopping cart and buy them immediately or on another visit to the site Security Attempt to guarantee the security of transactions and related data through encryption and authentication technologies Credit-Card Approval The ability to receive instant credit approval for credit card purchases through electronic links to clearance houses One-Click Shopping A patented feature that allows users to place and order products with a single click Orders Through Affiliates Sites must be able to track orders that come from and go to affiliates Configuration Technology Users can test product compatibility with the aid of configurator software Order Tracking The ability to check the delivery status Delivery Options Users have a choice of options to specify their desired speed and cost of delivery