Chemistry 1010 Polymers
Monomer monos - one meros - parts Polymers poly - many meros - parts From yahoo images
Polymer A large molecule made from many identical repeating small molecules From yahoo images
Polymerization Process by which monomers are converted to polymers From yahoo images
Natural Polymers Starch Proteins Wood Cotton Silk DNA From yahoo images
Properties of Polyethylene Very Soft and Flexible Low Melting Point Formed into Shapes Easily Used as Plastic Wrap, Cups, Jugs, Wire Insulation, Film, Grocery Bags
Properties of Polystyrene More Brittle Than Polyethylene A Liquid That Turns Solid In Air Makes Good Insulation Makes Clear and White Foam Cups Makes Good Packing Material
Properties of Polyvinylchloride Called PVC Makes White Plastic Pipe Soft and Flexible Makes The Vinyl Seat Coverings Vinyl Chlorides are Carcinogenic
Properties of Polybutadiene Soft And Pliable When A Strait Chain Used For Car Tires Used For Rubber Bands Will Cross Link And Become Harder
Cross Linking Causes polymer to become much more rigid Not as easily decomposed Becomes an environmental issue Can control how brittle a substance is by changing amount of cross link Can sell tires with different mileage ratings
Types of Plastic
So What Do the Words Mean? Recycle Reuse
What can be Recycled Metal Glass Paper Plastic?????
Problems with Recycling Polymeric Materials De-polymerization is not possible today We can only grind up polymeric material and use it in other forms At best we can use 30% old material with 70% new material Not Profitable Public Support is Low
Conditions For Recycling Must be the same type of polymer Must be the same color Must be absolutely clean The less cross linking the better
Uses for Used Polymers Reuse in same product up to 30% Ground up and glued together like particle board Used as an insulation Used in carpet fibers
The Answer - The Three R’s Reduce Reuse Recycle
Is Recycling a Political Gimmick? Glass vs plastic on the shelves No real recycling plastics are used Difficult to find a recycling center Look at barrels and recycling costs