Spin Waves in Stripe Ordered Systems E. W. Carlson D. X. Yao D. K. Campbell
Strong Correlations nickelates manganites cuprate superconductors organic superconductors All show some evidence of real space order
Strong Correlation Fermi Liquid Interaction energy is important Real space structure –spin –charge Kinetic energy is minimized k-space structure Real space homogeneity
Organic Superconductors -(ET) 2 X (TMTST) 2 PF 6 From E. Dagotto, cond-mat/ From S. Lefebvre et al., Physica B 312 : (2002)
Organic superconductors CDW, SDW Bond Order BCSDW (Campbell) (Mazumdar, Clay, and Campbell, Synth. Met. 137, 1317 (2003) D. Chow et al., Phys Rev Lett (2000)
Cuprates and Nickelates Layered structure quasi-2D system Cu-O or Ni-O Planes Other Layers Layered structure quasi-2D system
Cuprates and Nickelates Dope with holes (remove spins) Topological Doping Ni: S=1 Cu: S=1/2 OxygenCu or Ni
Cuprates Dope with holes Superconducts at certain dopings OxygenCu or Ni T x AF SC
Neutron Scattering in Cuprates and Nickelates Disappearance of (π,π) peak with doping Appearance of satellite peaks AFM signal averages to zero antiphase domain walls π π δ=0 π π
Issues: nature – static vs. dynamic orientation – vertical vs. diagonal spacing – commensurate vs. incommensurate width – one atom vs. two... location of holes – site-centered vs. bond-centered
Cuprates from Almason and Maple (1991) stripes: interleaved charge and spin density (Kivelson, Emery) (Zaanen) (Castro Neto, Morais-Smith) bond-ordered charge density (Sachdev) 2D magnetic/current textures: DDW (Marsten, Chakravarty, Morr); Staggered flux (Lee); Loops (Varma)
Scattering Probes Energy, Momentum Phase Information? Yes in certain cases Goals: Phase-sensitive information from diffraction probe Guidance for microscopic theories of superconductivity in cuprates, organics
Site or Bond-Centered J a > 0 (AFM) J b > 0 (AFM) JbJb JaJa JbJb J a > 0 (AFM) J b < 0 (FM) JaJa Site-centered p=3Bond-centered p=3 π π Both produce weight at (π+ π/p, π)
Model and Method JbJb Bond-centered, p=3 J a > 0 (AFM) J b < 0 (FM) JaJa Heisenberg model
Elastic Response
Magnetic Reciprocal Lattice Vectors Site-centered p=3 Bond-centered p=3 π π Spacing p=3
Magnetic Reciprocal Lattice Vectors Bond-centered p=4 π π Spacing p=4 Site-centered p=4
Elastic Neutron Scattering g(m) f(n)
Elastic Neutron Scattering p=3 Site-centered π π g(m) f(n)
Elastic Neutron Scattering p=3 Site-centered g(m) f(n) π π
Elastic Neutron Scattering p=3 Bond-centered g(m) f(n) π π
Elastic Neutron Scattering p=3 Bond-centered g(m) f(n) π π
Site vs. Bond-Centered p=3 Bond-centered p=3 g(m) f(n) π π Site-centered p=3 g(m) f(n) π π
Site vs. Bond-Centered p=4 Bond-centered p=4 g(m) f(n) Site-centered p=4 g(m) f(n) π π π π
Elastic Peaks 2D Antiphase Domain Walls Site-centered: never weight at Bond-centered: no weight at for p=EVEN generic weight at for p=ODD The presence of weight at with incommensurate peaks at is positive evidence of a bond- centered configuration
Elastic Peaks 3D Antiphase Domain Walls Site-centeredBond-centered p=EVEN Vertical/Vertical -- Diagonal/Vertical -- Diagonal/Diagonal -- Bond-centered p=ODD (0, , ) (0, ,0) (0,0,0)
Inelastic Response: Spin Waves
Model and Method JbJb Bond-centered, p=3 J a > 0 (AFM) J b < 0 (FM) JaJa Heisenberg model
Model and Method Heisenberg model Up Spins:Down Spins: Holstein-Primakoff Bosons
Model and Method Heisenberg model Fourier transformation + symplectic transformation yield spectrum and eigenstates
Spin Structure Factor
Number of Bands Bond-centered p=4 Site-centered p=4 p-1 spins per unit cell Spin up/Spin down degeneracy ) (p-1)/2 bands 3 bands for p=4 p spins per unit cell Spin up/Spin down degeneracy ) p/2 bands 4 bands for p=4
Site-Centered: S(k, w) J b =0.4 J a J b =1.0 J a J b =2.5 J a kxkx p=3 p=4 π π N.B. Site-centered consistent with F.Kruger and S. Scheidl, PRB 67, (2003)
J b = J a J b =-0.56 J a J b =-1.0 J a Note the elastic weight for p=3 π π Bond-Centered: S(k, w ) p=3 p=4 p=2 kxkx
S3 k=(0,0) k=(π, π) S4 Energy dependence on λ=
k=(0,0) k=(π, π)B2 B3 B4 Energy dependence on λ=
Site-centered velocities v velocity along the stripe direction v velocity perpendicular to the stripe direction v velocity of pure 2D antiferromagnet || AF
Bond-centered velocities v velocity along the stripe direction v velocity perpendicular to the stripe direction v velocity of pure 2D antiferromagnet || AF
Conclusions Elastic: For both 2D and 3D antiphase domain walls, bond-centered p=ODD stripes show new peaks, forbidden for site-centered Inelastic: –Number of bands distinguishes site- or bond-centered Site: (p-1) bandsBond: (p) bands –Qualitatively different spin wave spectra Site: all bands increase with J_b Bond: lower bands independent of J_b top band ~ 2 J_b –Velocity anisotropy Bond-centered is rather isotropic over a large range of parameters Extensions: –Diagonal spin waves –Other spin textures