Easter Lilies Lilium longiflorum By Jessi Spry
History Native to Japan and its surrounding Islands. In 1898 bulb production in the US started. They can be grown for cut or as potted plants. Michigan is #2 producer.
Popular Cultivars Ace Medium height, large number of flowers, dark green leaves, and pyramidal shape. Nellie White Shorter plant, broader leaves, most popular grown.
Propagation Most fields are grown in the western portion of the United States. Scaling is done to the bulbs to prepare them for planting. Machines are used to harvest bulbs.
Propagation continued Then the bulbs are graded on their circumference. (5-6, 7-8, 9-10, and ) The bulbs are then shipped in boxes with peat moss packed around them
Requirements Cooling Required 40-41°F for six weeks Case-Cooling Bulbs are shipped in crates, and my be more delicate to planting.
Requirements continued Pot-cooling When bulbs are received plant them, allow the roots to grow, then place them in the cooler.
Media, Water and Fertilizer Media pH May use a soil or soil-less mixture Has a high water capacity Need sterile media
Water Plants need water, or flower buds may abort. Fertilizer For a healthy plant use 220 ppm nitrogen, as a liquid feed. To increase plant height decrease salt.
Temperature, Lighting and Height Control Temperature Lilies do not like temperature changes. The warmer the faster and taller that plants will grow.
Temperature, Lighting and Height Control Temperature To slow growth down, use cooler temperatures. Night temps63-65 F Day temps73-75 F
Lighting If light is not maximized you may have poor height and poor leaf color. Height Control You can use temperature to control height. Light can control height. Chemicals can also help control height of the plants.
Insects Aphids Bulb mites Fungus gnats
Bulb Mite
Bulb Mite
Fungus Gnat
Disease Root rot To avoid use clean soil Viruses Name corresponds to what they do to the plant. Fleck Streak Curly-stripe
Root Rot
Handling When first flower opens sell them. To avoid pollen discoloration on flowers remove anthers
Websites Kansas Department of Agriculture and Plant Protection & Weed Control Program Kansas Department of Agriculture Plat Protiction and Weed Control Program Forbes Field Building #282 P.O. Box Topeka, Ks (Fly gnat Picture) 3/28/01 BULB MITES © Copyright 2000 by the American Hemerocallis Society, all rights reserved (Mite Picture) 3/28/01 Bulbmites (Mite digram) 3/28/01
Websites (Watering Picture) 3/28/01 EASTER LILY Commercial Greenhouse Production (Potted bulb Picture) 3/28/01 University of Massachusetts Extension Production of Hybrid Lilies as Pot Plants Prepared by Tina M. Smith,Regional Floriculture Agent ts/lily.htm (Potted plant Pictures) 3/28/01
Websites Easter Lily (Lily flower Picture) 3/28/01http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/plantanswers/publications/lily/lily.html Penn State Department of Plant Pathology 212 Buckhout Lab, University Park, PA (814) FAX: (814) E- Mail requests for information about the department and its extension programs to This site was designed by Boalsburg Internet Partners August 1997, Historic Boalsburg, PABoalsburg Internet PartnersHistoric Boalsburg, PA (Root rot Picture) 3/28/01