Occupations dealing with: police work, the law and legal services, the judicial (court) system, the study and detention of criminals, and fire protection
Criminal Justice and Corrections Fire Protection Law and Legal Services
Security GuardsForensic Experts Police ChiefsU. S. Marshals Police OfficersDetectives InvestigatorsSheriffs Correction OfficersJailers
Fire FightersDispatchers Fire CaptainFire Inspector Fire InvestigatorsFire Chiefs
LegislatorsJudges LawyersLaw Clerks Legal AssistantsParalegal Inspectors and Compliance Officers
Career- a series of jobs, usually in the same or related fields Public law- laws that define a person’s rights in relation to government Training- applying knowledge through practice Workplace competencies- skills needed for workplace effectiveness and success Civil service test- a pre-employment test developed by the federal government for specific government jobs
A member of a fire department who fights fires The organized body of civil officers in a city, town, or district, whose particular duties are the preservation of good order, the prevention and detection of crime, and the enforcement of the laws Fire Fighter Police Officers A person who is trained to give emergency medical treatment or assist medical professionals. Paramedic
Of, relating to, or being a person with specialized training who assists an attorney A public official who hears and decides cases brought before a court of law. Paralegal Judge A person legally appointed by another to act as his or her agent in the transaction of business, specifically one qualified and licensed to act for plaintiffs and defendants in legal proceedings. Lawyer
Do you enjoy working with people? Do you care about justice? You may want to consider a career in...