Michigan Potato Industry Experimental Storage 1999/2000 Roger Brook Professor & Extension Engineer Agricultural Engineering Dept. Michigan State University
Project Goal To demonstrate potato storage techniques necessary for: extending the stored life of Michigan grown potatoes increasing the marketability of Michigan grown storage potatoes
MPIC Storage Committee –Brian Sackett, chairperson –Steve Crooks –Greg Perkins –Tim Young –Gary Walthers –Todd Forbush, Techmark –Roger Brook, MSU Extension
Background After 12 years of continued success in storage demonstration, it was determined a permanent facility was needed MPIC storage committee developed a permanent storage facility to implement new storage technology and techniques Contact a member of the MPIC storage committee or the MPIC office staff FOR MORE INFO...
Technology New technology being used –refrigeration –reverse airflow Standards being adopted –Fancom controllers –humicells
Procedures Snowden potatoes Three planting dates Three storage temperatures Bi-weekly quality sampling Marketing through cooperating potato chip company
Three Planting Dates
Three Storage Temperatures
Conclusions The Michigan potato industry has a new tool for improving storage management Tuber maturity at harvest may be a key factor that we haven’t previously considered or “measured” Refrigeration management will be important for June delivery