Comparative Analysis of Munroe Brook and Headwaters of the LaPlatte River Group A4 Lindsay Harrington, Maury Lynch Jared Nunery, Chris Vance
Methods Stream Geomorphic Assessment Protocols Stream Geomorphic Assessment Protocols Phase 1 Phase 1 –Fully completed Phase 2 Phase 2 –Rapid Habitat Assessment (RHA) –Rapid Geomorphic Assessment (RGA)
LaPlatte River M18 M20 M21
Munroe Brook M2 M4 M5
Reach Comparisons - LaPlatte M18 to Munroe M2 Parking Lot at bottom of M18 Runoff from Route 7 into M2 LaPlatte M18Munroe M2
Reach Comparisons - LaPlatte M18 to Munroe M2 LaPlatte M18Munroe M2 Woody Debris and large Buffer Zone Lack of Woody Debris in majority of M2
Reach Comparisons - LaPlatte M20 to Munroe M5 LaPlatte M20Munroe M5 Golf Course within Reach Watershed Reach Within Golf Course – Directly impacting Stream
Reach Comparisons - LaPlatte M20 to Munroe M5 LaPlatte M20Munroe M5 Vegetated Banks and Thin Buffer Upstream buffered area
Reach Comparisons - LaPlatte M21 to Munroe M4 LaPlatte M21 Munroe M4
Reach Comparisons - LaPlatte M21 to Munroe M4 LaPlatte M21Munroe M4 Sandy Silt and gravel within the reach Clay with some cobble and gravel in upper part of the reach
Phase 1 - Results
Phase 2 - Results
Phase 1 Phase 2 Comparison
Phase 1 Phase 2 Total Comparison
Adjustment Processes
Acknowledgments Breck Bowden Breck Bowden Bill Gill Bill Gill Mike Snyder Mike Snyder