Existing Industrial Solutions and Virtual Instrumentation Integration into GANMVL Reinhard Bacher, Michael Seebach DESY
R. Bacher et al. VI Integration2 Motivation Use of stand-alone, off-the shelf T&M (test and measurement) instruments such as –Oscilloscopes –Spectrum analyzers –Signal and function generators –Digital multi-meters etc. Scenarios: –In a mobile environment –For a short time –On short notice etc.
R. Bacher et al. VI Integration3 Objectives 1 st Priority: Visualization and / or control of T&M-specific functions through the MVL framework from a remote site 2 nd Priority: Integration of the T&M specific data-flow into the MVL framework
R. Bacher et al. VI Integration4 Off-the Shelf T&M Instruments Databus interface: USB TCP/IP Ethernet GPIB Operating system: Proprietary operating system Windows (desktop-type, embedded / restricted)
R. Bacher et al. VI Integration5 Scenario 1 Analog / Digital I/O T&M Instrument (e.g. Oscilloscope) Vendor-Specific Application Software VNC Server / Remote Desktop Server Intranet / Internet VNC Client / Remote Desktop Client for Instrument Control and Data Visualization
R. Bacher et al. VI Integration6 Scenario 2 Analog / Digital I/O T&M Instrument (e.g. Oscilloscope) Vendor-Specific Application Software Web Server Intranet / Internet Web Browser Customized Page (e.g. HTML, Applet) for Instrument Control and Data Visualization
R. Bacher et al. VI Integration7 Scenario 3 Analog / Digital I/O T&M Instrument (e.g. Oscilloscope) Vendor-Specific Server Software Intranet / Internet Vendor-Specific Client Software (Licenses!) Vendor-Specific Application Software (Licenses!) for Instrument Control and Data Visualization / Data Integration
R. Bacher et al. VI Integration8 Scenario 4 Analog / Digital I/O T&M Instrument (e.g. Oscilloscope) Data Bus Interface (e.g. GPIB, RS232, PXI, TCP/IP) Data Bus Link Bus-Specific Data Bus Driver Software Vendor-Specific Instrument Driver Software Customized Application (e.g. LabView) for Instrument Control and Data Visualization / Data Integration Web Server Intranet / Internet Web Browser Customized Page (e.g. HTML, Applet) for Instrument Control and Data Visualization
R. Bacher et al. VI Integration9 MVL Instrument Integration Web Server-based Integration VNC Remote Desktop Server-based Integration IVI-based Integration T&M Instrument Vendor-specific Application Software Client
R. Bacher et al. VI Integration10 Standardization by Industry Problem: Vendor-specific instrument drivers Vendor-specific virtual instrument software Proposed MVL solution: Generic virtual instruments based on VISA-compliant databus drivers (VISA = Virtual Instrument Software Architecture) IVI-compliant instrument drivers (IVI = Interchangeable Virtual Instrument) LabView / Web-Publishing
R. Bacher et al. VI Integration11 IVI Foundation Members e.g. Agilent Technologies Keithley Instruments National Instruments Rohde & Schwarz Tektronix LeCroy
R. Bacher et al. VI Integration12 IVI-Supported Instrument Classes DC power supply Digital multi-meter Function & Arbitrary generator Oscilloscope Power meter RF signal generator Spectrum analyzer Switch
R. Bacher et al. VI Integration13 IVI: Example IviScopeBase Functions Abort Acquisition Status Actual Record Length (IVI-C only) Configure Acquisition Record Configure Acquisition Type (IVI-C only) Configure Channel Configure Channel Characteristics Configure Edge Trigger Source Configure Trigger Configure Trigger Coupling (IVI-C only) GetChannelName (IVI-C Only) Fetch Waveform Initiate Acquisition Is Invalid Waveform Element Read Waveform Sample Rate (IVI-C only) IviScopeBase Attributes Acquisition Start Time Acquisition Type Channel Count Channel Enabled Channel Item (IVI-COM only) Channel Name (IVI-COM only) Horizontal Minimum Number of Points Horizontal Record Length Horizontal Sample Rate Horizontal Time Per Record Input Impedance Maximum Input Frequency
R. Bacher et al. VI Integration14 IVI Architecture e.g. ividmm.dll e.g. ke2700_32.dll e.g. VISA Library COM specific Specific Instruments IVIConfigurationStore.xml
R. Bacher et al. VI Integration15 Prerequisites Install “IVI Shared Components” and “IVI –supported Instruments” class libraries (→ IVI foundation) Install “NI IVI Compliance Package” (→ National Instruments) Install “VISA Runtime” and “NI Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX)” (→ National Instruments)
R. Bacher et al. VI Integration16 Instrument Integration (1/6) Connect instrument to data bus and configure communication parameters, e.g. IP address Install IVI class compliant specific driver (→ instrument vendor or National Instruments)
R. Bacher et al. VI Integration17 Instrument Integration (2/6) Configure the device interface parameters using MAX –e.g. Specify / check IP address and TCP-port number
R. Bacher et al. VI Integration18 Instrument Integration (3/6) Configure IVI Driver: –Specify / check hardware asset
R. Bacher et al. VI Integration19 Instrument Integration (4/6) Configure IVI Driver: –Specify / check instrument driver software module
R. Bacher et al. VI Integration20 Instrument Integration (5/6) Configure IVI Driver: –Create driver session Hardware Software
R. Bacher et al. VI Integration21 Instrument Integration (6/6) Configure IVI Driver: –Create logical name –Save IVI configuration
R. Bacher et al. VI Integration22 Generic Instrument Test Applications