Experience with ATLAS Data Challenge Production on the U.S. Grid Testbed Kaushik De University of Texas at Arlington CHEP03 March 27, 2003
K. De CHEP03 2 Multi-purpose experiment at the Large Hadron Collider, CERN 14 GeV c.m. pp collisions starting in 2007 Physics: Higgs, SUSY, new searches... Petabytes/year of data analyzed by >2000 physicists worldwide - need the GRID The ATLAS Experiment
March 27, 2003 K. De CHEP03 3 U.S. ATLAS Grid Testbed BNL - U.S. Tier 1, 2000 nodes, 5% ATLAS, 10 TB LBNL - pdsf cluster, 400 nodes, 5% ATLAS, 1 TB Boston U. - prototype Tier 2, 64 nodes Indiana U. - prototype Tier 2, 32 nodes UT Arlington - 20 nodes Oklahoma U nodes U. Michigan - 10 nodes ANL - test nodes SMU - 6 nodes UNM - new site
March 27, 2003 K. De CHEP03 4 U.S. Testbed Goals Deployment Set up grid infrastructure and ATLAS software Test installation procedures (PACMAN) Development & Testing Grid applications - GRAT, Grappa, Magda... Other software - monitoring, packaging... Run Production For U.S. physics data analysis and tests Main focus - ATLAS Data Challenges Simulation, pileup Reconstruction Connection to GRID projects GriPhyN - Globus, Condor, Chimera… use & test iVDGL - VDT, glue schema testbed, Worldgrid testbed, demos… use and test EDG, LCG… testing & deployment
March 27, 2003 K. De CHEP03 5 ATLAS Data Challenges DC’s - Generate and analyse simulated data (see talk by Gilbert Poulard on Tuesday) Original Goals (Nov 15, 2001) Test computing model, its software, its data model, and to ensure the correctness of the technical choices to be made Data Challenges should be executed at the prototype Tier centres Data challenges will be used as input for a Computing Technical Design Report due by the end of 2003 (?) and for preparing a MoU Current Status Goals are evolving as we gain experience Sequence of increasing scale & complexity DC0 (completed), DC1 (underway) DC2, DC3, and DC4 planned Grid deployment and testing major part of DC’s
March 27, 2003 K. De CHEP03 6 GRAT Software GRid Applications Toolkit Used for U.S. Data Challenge production Based on Globus, Magda & MySQL Shell & Python scripts, modular design Rapid development platform Quickly develop packages as needed by DC Single particle production Higgs & SUSY production Pileup production & data management Reconstruction Test grid middleware, test grid performance Modules can be easily enhanced or replaced by Condor-G, EDG resource broker, Chimera, replica catalogue, OGSA… (in progress)
March 27, 2003 K. De CHEP03 7 GRAT Execution Model 1. Resource Discovery 2. Partition Selection 3. Job Creation 4. Pre-stage 5. Batch Submission 6. Job Parameterization 7. Simulation 8. Post-stage 9. Cataloging 10. Monitoring DC1 Prod. (UTA) Remote Gatekeeper Replica (local) MAGDA (BNL) Param (CERN) Batch Execution scratch 1,4,5,
March 27, 2003 K. De CHEP03 8 Middleware Evolution of U.S. Applications Used in current production software (GRAT & Grappa) Tested successfully (not yet used for large scale production) Under development and testing Tested for simulation (will be used for large scale reconstruction)
March 27, 2003 K. De CHEP03 9 Databases used in GRAT MySQL databases central to GRAT Production database define logical job parameters & filenames track job status, updated periodically by scripts Data management (Magda) file registration/catalogue grid based file transfers Virtual Data Catalogue simulation job definition job parameters, random numbers Metadata catalogue (AMI) post-production summary information data provenance Similar scheme being considered ATLAS- wide by the Grid Technical Board
March 27, 2003 K. De CHEP03 10 DC1 Production on U.S. Grid August/September 2002 3 week DC1 production run using GRAT Generated 200,000 events, using ~ 1,300 CPU days, 2000 files, 100 GB storage at 4 sites December 2002 Generated 75k SUSY and Higgs events for DC1 Total DC1 files generated and stored > 500 GB, total CPU used >1000 CPU days in 4 weeks January 2002 More SUSY sample Started pile-up production on the grid, both high and low luminosity, for 1-2 months at all sites February/March 2002 Discovered bug in software (non grid part) Regenerating all SUSY, Higgs & pile-up samples ~15TB data, 15k files, 2M events, 10k CPU days
March 27, 2003 K. De CHEP03 11 DC1 Production Examples Each production run requires development & deployment of new software at selected sites
March 27, 2003 K. De CHEP03 12 DC1 Production Experience Grid paradigm works, using Globus Opportunistic use of existing resources, run anywhere, from anywhere, by anyone... Successfully exercised grid middleware with increasingly complex tasks Simulation: create physics data from pre-defined parameters and input files, CPU intensive Pile-up: mix ~2500 min-bias data files into physics simulation files, data intensive Reconstruction: data intensive, multiple passes Data tracking: multiple steps, one -> many -> many more mappings Tested grid applications developed by U.S. For example, PACMAN (Saul Youssef - BU) Magda (see talk by Wensheng Deng) Virtual Data Catalogue (see Poster by P. Nevski) GRAT (this talk), GRAPPA (see talk by D. Engh)
March 27, 2003 K. De CHEP03 13 Grid Quality of Service Anything that can go wrong, WILL go wrong During 18 days of grid production (in August), every system died at least once Local experts were not always be accessible Examples: scheduling machines died 5 times (thrice power failure, twice system hung), Network outages multiple times, Gatekeeper died at every site at least 2-3 times Three databases used - production, magda and virtual data. Each died at least once! Scheduled maintenance - HPSS, Magda server, LBNL hardware, LBNL Raid array… Poor cleanup, lack of fault tolerance in Globus These outages should be expected on the grid - software design must be robust We managed > 100 files/day (~80% efficiency) in spite of these problems!
March 27, 2003 K. De CHEP03 14 Conclusion The largest (>10TB) grid based production in ATLAS was done by U.S. testbed Grid production is possible, but not easy right now - need to harden middleware, need higher level services Many tools are missing - monitoring, operations center, data management Requires iterative learning process, with rapid evolution of software design Pile-up was a major data management challenge on the grid - moving >0.5 TB/day Successful so far Continuously learning and improving Many more DC’s coming up!