Performance management in action in Norway ”The way we became in charge of our destination" Kristin Ulvang, Financial Director 1
2 City of Bergen – status 2004 Lack of responsibility in divisions and departments Different financial routines in all departments 4-5 management - levels Different versions of ”the truth” 50 man-year on shadow accounting per annum The City Government did not have sufficient control – lack of qualified forecasts… ”Large deficits”
3 The Accounting System: The system was for accounting only – not for enterprice resource planning (ERP) Managers had no direct access to Key Financial Information All departments had their own versions of the system Data duplication, double work and manual processes A lot of manual work to get an overview. Decentralized paper-based processes ”Big surprises”
4 Implementation of AGRESSO (May 2004) Any manager (Financial & Non-financial experts): –Access to real time & online data –Accurate & Relevant: Financial Management Information presented in an easy to understand format for Non-Financial experts –Complete: the budget, the actuals AND the forecast –Presented via simple User Interface – Web Self service –Full drill-down from top level down to the individual transactions and individual payroll ”Distributed accountability”
5 Chief Commisioners’s departement CITY GOVERNMENT City of Bergen: Complex in structure Key requirement: One version of the system and one set of routines common for all departments Accomodating the diverse information & process needs of EACH division 300 divisions Departent of Finance, Cultural Affairs and Business development Departement of Education and Sports Department of Health Departement of Urban Development
6 Two management levels – department and division managers. New reporting structure All division managers had to sign a contract which focused on economic responisbility. Top management increased their focus on realistic budget premises for all division managers. All division managers had to make a monthly qualified economic forecast. City of Bergen: Living in Change ”Ongoing restructuring” Easily implemented thanks to Agresso! Key requirement: Flexibility AFTER implementation
7 Better Performance: Information, Information,.. MAIN GOAL: Reports must give the City of Bergen access to Financial Management Information at all levels. They have to be: –Real time –Easily accesible (user friendly) –Accurate –Relevant –Suitable for the needs of the corporate level as well as of each division –AND.... Reflect our on-going change & growth instantly!
8 Meeting multi-level reporting requirements Division reports: Access to data is limited Acces to: –Transactions –Scanned images –Payroll individually accessable Corporate reports: Covers all divisions and departments. Benchmarking of divisions. No access to transactions, scanned images and individual payroll.
9 Monthly financial report
10 From overview…
13 Drill-down to details
14 Individual payroll
15 …or scanned image
16 Bergen’s System-generated forecast Conditions: –Books are closed early – at day 5. –All budgets and accounts are entered with periodical keys according real-life variations throughout the year. Result: –The system automatically forecasts all accounts based upon the result year to date and the periodical budget-keys.
17 How do the managers make their qualified forecast? Look at the system-generated forecast. –Is this correct? If not – why? 1.Errors or/and defects in accounts (periodic maintainance, missing expences etc) 2.Errors or/and defects in budget (periodical keys, missing budgets etc) 3.Changes of activity If there is still not balance between budget and accounts; –Listed actions to run the division in accordance to budget premises. Make their own qualified forecast based on the remarks above.
18 Forecast registration - Agresso
Reporting process Department Division Corporate The City Government: Tasks and deadlines The City Government: Tasks and deadlines Controlling unit: Distribution of monthly reports Controlling unit: Distribution of monthly reports Division manager: Analyzes, make their qualified forecast Controlling unit: Testing ang benchmarking Controlling unit: Testing ang benchmarking Departements Consolidate and suggest actions to gain control Departements Consolidate and suggest actions to gain control Controlling- unit: Consolidates proposisions from the departments Controlling- unit: Consolidates proposisions from the departments The City Government : Make decisions based on the proposisions The City Government : Make decisions based on the proposisions Division manager: Focus on actions togain control Division manager: Focus on actions togain control
Balanced Score Card 20
21 The transformation of Bergen From: –Reporting=> Analyzing => Reporting => Analyzing To: –Reporting=> Analyzing=> Focus => Action!!
22 Where are we now? Knowing where we ARE and where we are GOING ! All division managers know their responsibilities Managers are highly satisfied with Agresso and the reporting process One common set of routines for all departments One version of ”the truth” Qualified forecasts from all managers Able to implement change when required – with our own staff Efforts to gain control No deficit last year… ”In charge of our destiny”
Performance management in action in Norway ”The way we became in charge of our destination” Thank you ! Kristin Ulvang, Finance Director 23