David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, Super B The Super Flavor Factory David Hitlin DOE Annual Review of Caltech July 10, 2008
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, Super B – the Super Flavor Factory The Caltech group led the way in recognizing the importance of continuing flavor studies in e + e - substantially beyond the level achievable at B A B AR and Belle The crucial role that flavor physics will play in understanding New Physics found at the LHC is becoming ever more clear to the community Sensitivity to New Physics at scales accessible to the LHC requires ab -1 ⇒ luminosity of Achieving this luminosity with reasonable power consumption and currents low enough to make the detector background problem tractable is not an easy problem With SLAC and then Frascati colleagues, several approaches were tried Scale up PEP-II in the existing tunnel– more bunches, more current Revisit old idea of colliding linacs with high disruption- not attractive Use very low emittance rings, like the ILC damping rings, but collide at an angle with a new final focus scheme – the crabbed waist Several workshops have been held to investigate the physics capabilities of a Super Flavor Factory Efforts are now centered on Super B, an international project hosted by INFN in Italy
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, Primary physics objectives of a Super Flavor Factory Perform measurements in the flavor sector such that: If new particles are discovered at LHC we are able to study the flavor structure of the New Physics If the New Physics scale is beyond the reach of the LHC, explore the New Physics scale More specifically Is there charged lepton flavour violation (LFV) ? Are there new CP -violating phases in b,c or decay ? Are there new right-handed currents ? Are there new loop contributions to flavor-changing neutral currents Are there new Higgs fields ? Is there new flavor symmetry that elucidates the CKM hierarchy ? We must also understand the requirements for a detector that can address these questions in a asymmetric e + e - environment ?
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, Prospects for a Super Flavor Factory The recent P5 report recommends, in Scenario B and above, US participation in an overseas Super B factory There are two proposals on the market SuperKEKB, an upgrade of KEKB, with an initial luminosity of 1-2 x and an upgrade path to 4-8 x by 2027, using 83 MW Super B, a new low emittance collider, with an initial luminosity of using 17 MW, and an upgrade path to 4 x 10 36, to be built at Rome II University “Tor Vergata”, using many PEP-II components This talk will concern Super B 320 signers 80 institutions INFN has now made a formal request to SLAC for PEP-II and B A B AR Components
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, Super B One Pager Super B is a Super Flavor Factory with very high initial luminosity, 10 36, which can be upgraded to 4x10 36 in a straightforward manner It is asymmetric : 4 on 7 GeV Most of the ring magnets can be reused from PEP-II, as can the RF systems, many vacuum components, linac and injection components – as well as B A B AR as the basis for an upgraded detector – the net in-kind value is $270M The high energy beam can be linearly polarized to ~85%, using the SLC laser gun This is particularly important for confronting New Physics in decays The primary E CM will be the (4S), but Super B can run elsewhere in the region, and in the charm &tau threshold regions as well, with a luminosity above One month at the (3770), for example, yields 10x the total data sample that will be produced by BEPCII Super B will be built on the campus of the Rome II University at Tor Vergata There is an FEL already in early stages of construction on the site Tunneling will continue to dig the Super B tunnel, funded by Regione Lazio Time scales (Successful) conclusion of the European Roadmap process (INFN, ECFA, CERN Strategy Group) by the end of 2008, followed by INFN Ministry TDR effort is beginning: construction 5 years : luminosity in
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, INFN International Review Committee Report Members: H. Aihara, J.B. Dainton (chair), R. Heuer (to Nov 07), Y. K. Kim, J. Lefrançois, A. Masiero, S. Myers (for April 08), T. Nakada (RECFA from April 08), D. Schulte, A. Seiden Conclusions ● Strongly recommend continuation of work for cm -2 s -1 asymmetric e + e - collider ● Even more concerted effort to fully evaluate physics potential ↔ machine specifications ● Major design program to establish credibility of machine now critical ← showstoppers ? ● Machine Advisory Committee (MAC) now essential ● Preservation of detector and PEP2 components ● Increasing global involvement if timescale for a TDR is to be met
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10,
8 SuperB Experimental Hall & Transfer Line - +
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, Super B arameters Beam-beam transparency conditions in red SuperKEKB (0.4) | | (24) IP beam distributions for KEKB IP beam distributions for SuperB (without transparency conditions)
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, Crabbed waist beam distribution at the IP Crab sextupoles OFF Crab sextupoles ON waist is orthogonal to the axis of bunch waist moves to the axis of other beam All particles from both beams collide in the minimum y region, with a net luminosity gain E. Paoloni
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, Charm FCNC Charm mixing and CPV B Physics: (4S) Physics B s Physics: (5S)
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, polarized e- beam: reduced background Very important order of magnitude Complimentarity with e A Super Flavor Factory is also a factory Lepton Flavor Violation
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, LFV in t decays: Super B capability Super B sensitivity directly confronts many New Physics models BABAR Super B sensitivity For 75 ab -1 We expect to see LFV events, not just improve limits
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, Why do we need a very large sample ~75ab -1 ? Im ( 13 ) LL Re ( 13 ) LL SM Example: CPV in loop B decays Determination of coupling [in this case : ( 13 ) LL ] with 10 ab -1 and 75 ab -1
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, Caltech’s role in Super B and US the collaboration We are clearly to engine behind US SuperB activities Member of Steering Committee Leading and actively working in the R&D group on EMC upgrade for the revised B A B AR detector Contributing to development of Monte Carlo and reconstruction software to optimize the EMC in particular, and the overall detector Working towards formation of a US contingent of the Super B Collaboration Expect US collaborators A meeting to inform potential US participants is scheduled for July 25 The proto-Collaboration has already produced an impressive CDR The group is now entering the TDR phase For the US to be well-positioned as TDR responsibilities are worked out over the next year or so, some actual resources will soon be needed INFN is beginning to provide R&D funding for Italian groups On the appropriate time scale and in the appropriate way, the US groups need support of this kind
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, Ren-yuan Zhu, with ADR funds, has been for several years, working on the development of LYSO crystals for HEP Very attractive for the Super B endcap EMC and the CMS upgrade
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, x5 Projective LYSO array with CsI(Tl) surround A 7x7 array is best, but it can be approximated by a 5x5 array surrounded by CsI(Tl) to catch the outer few percent of shower CMS APD readout module 5mmx5mm APD (10x10mm APDs are now available) 16 spare BABAR CsI(Tl) crystals may be available
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, High statistics flavor physics (50-75 ab -1 ) at an e + e - collider will likely provide information crucial to the understanding of new physics found at LHC Super B, with an initial luminosity of cm -2 s -1 can provide such a sample in the canonical five years The achievable levels of sensitivity in rare b, c and t decays allow substantial coverage in the parameter space of new physics Super B presents a strong physics opportunity for the US community US participation in Super B would leverage $270M of PEP-II and B A B AR components through an in-kind contribution New funding of $10-20M/year over the TDR and construction period would also be needed to allow US participation in design and construction of the collider and detector upgrade Such participation in encouraged by P5 in Scenario B and above We are working towards a turn-on date of 2015/16 The Caltech group will, as it did in PEP-II and B A B AR, play a central role in Super B, should it go forward We propose to begin by transitioning from the current intense analysis phase of B A B AR into the TDR phase of Super B Conclusions
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10,
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10,
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10,
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10,
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, From the SuperKEKB web page
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, Q&A Is there a motivation to continue e + e - flavor physics studies with a Super B factory beyond the B A B AR /Belle/(LHC b ) era ? Yes – provided that new measurements have sensitivity to New Physics in b, c and decay What size data sample is required to provide this sensitivity ? ab -1 ( B A B AR +Belle total sample is <2 ab -1 ) What luminosity is required to gather a sample of this size in five years ? At least cm -2 s -1 Can an asymmetric collider with this luminosity be built ? Yes, using an innovative new approach: a low emittance collider, based on concepts developed for the ILC damping rings, and employing a new type of final focus – a “crabbed waist”. The machine is called Super B Can a detector be built that can withstand the machine backgrounds ? Yes. The beam currents are less than those at PEP-II and KEKB In this era of increasing energy prices, can you pay the power bill ? Yes. The wallplug power, 17MW, is less than half that of KEKB (40mw)
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, SuperB + Lattice improvements Interplay between metrology and New Physics sensitivity Today = ± = ± = ± = 0.344± Improving the precision of Unitarity Triangle measurements, along with reducing theoretical uncertainties, can provide evidence for New Physics
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, CMSSM : e vanishes at all SPS points MVF-NP extensions : e vanishes as s 13 0 is independent of s 13 LFV 2 5 disc B B
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, B ( M 1/2 SuperB SO(10) MSSM LFV from PMNS LFV from CKM Beyond MFV SUSY GUT now Super B Recent work : J.K.Parry, H.-H. Zhang hep-ph/ Allowed by m s From B s phase now Super B
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, Flipping the helicity of the polarized electron beam allows us to determine the chiral structure of dimension 6 four fermion lepton flavor-violating interactions Polarized t ’s can probe the chiral structure of LFV Dassinger, Feldmann, Mannel, and Turczyk JHEP 0710:039,2007; [See also Matsuzaki and Sanda arXiv: [hep-ph]
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, SPS4 is ruled out by exp value of B (B s ) SPS1a is the least favorable for flavor effects, but Super B and only Super B can observe 2 deviations in several observables Minimal Flavor Violation : SNOWMASS points
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, Many channels can show effects in the range S~( ) New Physics in CPV: sin2 from “s Penguins”… SuperB (*) theory limited dd s b W-W- B0dB0d t s s K0K0 g s b b s ~ ~ ~ X
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, is measured with a significance >3 away from zero Arg( 23 ) LR =(44.5± 2.6) o = (0.026 ± 0.005) 1 10 g s b b s ~ ~ ~ New Physics contribution (2-3 transitions) MSSM + generic soft SUSY breaking terms Flavor-changing NP effects in the squark propagator NP scale SUSY mass flavor-violating coupling X
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, Exhibit B: SM Branching fractions: Current 10ab -1 75ab -1 Actual limit
David Hitlin DOE Annual Review July 10, CP Violation in charm NOW Super B