A general compression algorithm that supports fast searching Szymon Grabowski Computer Engineering Dept., Tech. Univ. of Łódź, Poland Appeared in Information Processing Letters (IPL), 100(6):226–232, Kimmo Fredriksson Dept. of Computer Science Univ. of Joensuu, Finland
2 Compressed pattern searching problem (Amir & Benson, 1992): Input: text T’ available in a compressed form, pattern P. Output: report all occurences of P in T (i.e. decompressed T’) without decompressing the whole T’. Of course, a compressed search algorithm can be called practical if the search time is less than with the naïve “first decompress, then search” approach. Basic notation: |T| = n, |T’| = n’, |P| = m, | | = . K.Fredriksson & Sz. Grabowski, A general compression algorithm that supports fast searching
3 Pros and cons of on-line and off-line searching On-line algorithms: immediate to use (raw text), simple, flexible – but slow. Off-line algorithms (indexes): much faster but the simple and fastest solutions (suffix tree, suffix array) need much space (at least 5n incl. the text), while the more succinct (FM-index, CSA, many variants of...) are quite complicated. Indexed searching much less flexible than on-line searching (hard / impossible to adapt various approximate matching models, hard to handle a dynamic scenario).
4 K.Fredriksson & Sz. Grabowski, A general compression algorithm that supports fast searching Compressed pattern searching – something in between May be faster (but not dramatically) than on-line searching in uncompressed text. Space: typically 0.5n or less. Relatively simple. Easier to implement approximate matching, handle dynamic text etc. So here was our motivation...
5 State-of-the-art in compressed pattern searching Word based vs. full-text schemes. Word based algorithms are better (faster, better compression, more flexible for advanced queries, easier...) as long as can be applied: text naturally segmented into words. Works like a charm with English. Slightly worse with agglutinative languages (German, Finnish...). Even worse with Polish, Russian... Doesn’t work at all with oriental languages (Chinese, Korean, Japanese). Doesn’t work with DNA, proteins, MIDI... K.Fredriksson & Sz. Grabowski, A general compression algorithm that supports fast searching
6 State-of-the-art in compressed pattern searching, cont’d Full-text algorithms (Approximate) searching in RLE-compressed data (Apostolico et al., 1999; M ä kinen et al., 2001, 2003) – nice theory but limited applications (fax images?). Direct search in binary Huffman stream (Klein & Shapira, 2001; Takeda et al., 2001, 2002; Fredriksson & Tarhio, 2003) – mediocre compression ratio, but relatively simple. Ziv-Lempel based schemes (Kida et al., 1999; Navarro & Tarhio, 2000) – quite good compression but complicated and not very fast. K.Fredriksson & Sz. Grabowski, A general compression algorithm that supports fast searching
7 Our proposal, main traits Full-text compression. Based on q-grams. Actually two search algorithms: very fast for “long” patterns (m 2q–1), somewhat slower and more complicated for short patterns (m < 2q–1). Compresses plain NL text to 45–50% orig. size (worse than Ziv-Lempel but better than character based Huffman). K.Fredriksson & Sz. Grabowski, A general compression algorithm that supports fast searching
8 Our proposal, compression scheme Choose q (larger q better asymptotic compression but larger dictionary, the slower “short pattern” search variant triggered more often). Practical trade-off for human text: q = 4. Split text T into non-overlapping q-grams, build a dictionary over those units, dump the dictionary to the output file, encode the q-grams according to the built dictionary, using some byte-oriented code enabling pattern searching with skips (could be tagged Huffman (Moura et al., 2000) but (s,c)-DC (Brisaboa et al., 2003b) and ETDC (Brisaboa et al., 2003b) are more efficient). K.Fredriksson & Sz. Grabowski, A general compression algorithm that supports fast searching
9 Searching for long patterns Generate q possible alignments of pattern P[0..m–1]. That is, the last char of P may be either the 1st symbol, or the 2nd, etc., or the qth symbol of some q-gram. We cannot ignore any alignment as this could result in missed matches. Now, truncate at most q–1 characters at each pattern alignment boundary, those that belong to “broken” q-grams. Encode each alignment according to the text dictionary. Use any multiple string searching algorithms (we use BNDM adapted for multiple matching) for searching for the q alignm. in parallel; verify matches with the truncated prefix/suffix. K.Fredriksson & Sz. Grabowski, A general compression algorithm that supports fast searching
10 Searching for long patterns, pattern preprocessing, pseudo code K.Fredriksson & Sz. Grabowski, A general compression algorithm that supports fast searching
11 Searching for long patterns, example Let P = nasty_bananas Let q = 3. ETDC code. Three alignments generated: K.Fredriksson & Sz. Grabowski, A general compression algorithm that supports fast searching
12 Searching for long patterns, example, cont’d We encode the 3-grams. The pattern alignments may turn into smth like: K.Fredriksson & Sz. Grabowski, A general compression algorithm that supports fast searching nas ty_ ban ana nas ana ast y_b sty _ba nan
13 The shortest of those encodings (prev. slide) has 7 bytes (the 3rd one), therefore we truncate the other two sequences to 7 bytes. Those three sequences are input for BNDM alg, potential matches must be verified. Searching for long patterns, example, cont’d K.Fredriksson & Sz. Grabowski, A general compression algorithm that supports fast searching
14 Searching for short patterns If m < 2q–1, at least one alignment will not contain even one “full” q-gram. In result, the presented algorithm won’t work. We solve it by adapting the method from (Fredriksson, 2003). The idea is to have an implicit decoding of the text, encoded to a Shift-Or (Baeza- Yates & Gonnet, 1992; Wu & Manber, 1992) automaton, i.e. the automaton makes implicit transitions using the original text symbols, while the input is the q-gram symbols of the compressed text. K.Fredriksson & Sz. Grabowski, A general compression algorithm that supports fast searching
15 Test methodology All algorithms implemented in C, compiled with gcc Test machine: P4 2 GHz, 512 MB, running GNU/Linux Text files: Dickens (10.2 MB), English, plain text; Bible (~4 MB), in English, Spannish, Finnish, plain text; XML collection (5.3 MB); DNA (e.coli) (4.6 MB), = 4. proteins (5 MB), = 23. ( All test files available at szgrabowski.kis.p.lodz.pl/research/data.zip ) K.Fredriksson & Sz. Grabowski, A general compression algorithm that supports fast searching
16 Experimental results. Compression ratio K.Fredriksson & Sz. Grabowski, A general compression algorithm that supports fast searching our algorithms
17 The effect of varying q on the dictionary size and the overall compression. Dickens / ETDC coding K.Fredriksson & Sz. Grabowski, A general compression algorithm that supports fast searching q = 4 somewhat worse compression here than for q = 5 but much smaller dictionary, so may be preferred
18 Decompression times (excl. I/O times) [s] On the XML file, where the word based methods can be used, the q-gram based algs almost twice faster, partly because of the better compression they provide for this case. K.Fredriksson & Sz. Grabowski, A general compression algorithm that supports fast searching
19 Search times [s] Short patterns used for the test: random excerpts from text of length 2q–2 (i.e. longest “short” patterns). Long patterns in the test: minimum pat. lengths that produced compressed patterns of length at least 2. K.Fredriksson & Sz. Grabowski, A general compression algorithm that supports fast searching
20 Conclusions We have presented a compression algorithm for arbitrary data which enables pattern search with Boyer-Moore skips directly in the compressed representation. The algorithm is simple and the conducted experiments validate the claim for its practicality. For natural texts this scheme, however, cannot match, e.g., the original (s,c)-dense code in compression ratio, but this is the price we pay for removing the limitation to word based textual data. Searching speed for long enough patterns can be higher than in uncompressed text. K.Fredriksson & Sz. Grabowski, A general compression algorithm that supports fast searching
21 Future plans Flexible text partitioning: apart from q-grams allowing for shorter tokens (should give a significant compression boost on NL texts). Succinct dictionary representation (currently a naïve approach used). Handling updates to T. Adapting the scheme for approximate searching (very promising!). Finding (quickly) appropriate q for a given text. K.Fredriksson & Sz. Grabowski, A general compression algorithm that supports fast searching