1 Styles- and Strategies-Based Language Instruction Andrew D. Cohen University of Minnesota & Martha Nyikos Indiana University
2 What is Styles- and Strategies- Based Language Instruction? Learner-focused. Learner-focused. Explicit highlighting learners’ styles and strategies in performing instructional activities. Explicit highlighting learners’ styles and strategies in performing instructional activities. Learners understand both what to learn and how to learn it. Learners understand both what to learn and how to learn it. Making sure learners are true partners with their teachers in the instructional effort. Making sure learners are true partners with their teachers in the instructional effort.
3 Evolution of Styles- and Strategies-Based Instruction 1960's – Psychology of Learning 1960's – Psychology of Learning Learning to learn, Learning to learn, Cognitive theory based on the information processing model (declarative knowledge – facts & procedural knowledge – procedures for using declarative knowledge), Cognitive theory based on the information processing model (declarative knowledge – facts & procedural knowledge – procedures for using declarative knowledge), Away from behaviorist (stimulus-response), Away from behaviorist (stimulus-response), Towards a more reasoned learning of rules + automatic rule learning/acquisition. Towards a more reasoned learning of rules + automatic rule learning/acquisition.
4 1970's - Good Language Learner ■ Prescriptive approach to language learner strategies (Rubin’s “Good Language Learner,” 1975). E.g. “Good Guesser”
5 1980’s Classifications of Strategies, Descriptions of Learners (by O’Malley & Chamot, Oxford, and others). Classifications of Strategies, Descriptions of Learners (by O’Malley & Chamot, Oxford, and others).
6 1990's – Strategies-Based Instruction (SBI) ■ E xperimenting with different kinds of interventions. ■ University of Minnesota experiment with intermediate learners of French and Norwegian. ■ Initiation of SBI summer institutes.
7 2000's – SSBI ■ Sorting out the strategy classification systems, ■ The intersection of styles, strategies, and motivation on the accomplishment of language learning and language use tasks. 2000's – SSBI ■ Sorting out the strategy classification systems, ■ The intersection of styles, strategies, and motivation on the accomplishment of language learning and language use tasks.
8 Self-Directed Learning Components of SSBI: Strategy Preparation Strategy Preparation Strategy Awareness-Raising Strategy Awareness-Raising Strategy Instruction Strategy Instruction Strategy Practice Strategy Practice Personalization of Strategies Personalization of Strategies Options for Teachers : Insert strategies in established materials. Insert strategies in established materials. Start with strategies and design materials. Start with strategies and design materials. Insert strategies spontaneously when appropriate. Insert strategies spontaneously when appropriate.