1 Multimedia Streaming via TCP: An Analytic Performance Study Bing Wang, Jim Kurose, Prashant Shenoy, Don Towsley
2 Introduction Under what circumstances can TCP streaming provide satisfactory performance? Live video streaming is constrained streaming Stored video streaming is unconstrained streaming
3 Outline Analytic model Simulation Experiments Effect of parameters on performance
4 Contribution of Paper develop discrete-time Markov models for live and stored video streaming explore how parameters (i.e. loss rate, round trip time, timeout value & playback rate) affect TCP streaming performance
5 Assumption Average TCP throughput is no less than the video bitrate Startup delay on the order of seconds Videos are of constant bit rate (CBR)
6 Performance metrics Fraction of late packets no known metric directly for viewing quality
7 Notations
8 Model for TCP time unit is round (length of a round = a round trip time) X i is the state of model in the ith round X i = (W i, C i, L i, E i, R i ) W i = window size C i = delayed ACK behavior L i = # packets lost in (i-1)th round E i = backoff exponent if in timeout state R i = 0 for new packet; =1 for retransmission
9 Model for streaming
10 Model for constrained streaming Y i is the state of the model in the ith round Y i = (X i, N i ) X i = state of TCP (mentioned before) N i = # early packets
11 Model for unconstrained streaming As length go to infinity, # early packets go to infinity and fraction of late packets go to zero use transient analysis Y i is the state of the model in the ith round Y i = X i
12 Model for unconstrained streaming use impulse reward to obtain transient distribution of N i impulse reward = difference % # packets received and played back in transition N i ’ = accumulation of the impulse reward up to ith round
13 Model for unconstrained streaming
14 Simulation
15 Simulation
16 Simulation
17 Simulation
18 Simulation
19 Simulation
20 Simulation
21 Simulation
22 Experiments
23 Experiment
24 Experiment
25 Exploring parameter space
26 Effect of video length
27 Effect of T/μ playback rate T/μ
28 Sensitivity to parameters
29 Conditions for satisfactory performance
30 Summary of results fraction of late packets increases with length in live streaming, but decreases with length in stored streaming performance increases with T/μ; beyond a certain point yields diminishing gain performance is not solely determined by T/μ but also sensitive to parameters like R, p, T0 For large R, p and T0, either long startup delay or T/μ greater than 2 is needed for low fraction of late packets
31 Implication large fraction of streaming video clips are encoded at 300Kbps most DSL and cable modem connection support 750Kbps – 1.5Mbps TCP streaming is adequate for broadband users
32 Conclusion Discrete-time Markov models for live and stored video streaming Simulation and experiments show models are accurate Study effect of various parameters on performance with the models