Title 4 Effects of a student designed multimedia project on 8th graders attitude and performance
Research Questions 4 What are the effects, if any, of a student-designed multimedia project on student’s attitude in the science classroom? 4 What are the effects, if any, of a student-designed multimedia project on student’s performance in the science classroom?
4 Field notes 4 Field notes: In an attempt to keep a record of what occurs in the classroom, the researcher will make observations and reflections after each class or session. Field notes will be used to address all three research questions. 4 Attitude survey 4 Attitude survey: paper and pencil items about science and student attitude toward science. The student’s answer by circling a number on a scale from 1-5, 5 being strongly agree to the question and 1 being strongly disagrees to the question. Surveys will address research question #1. Instruments
4 Student Journal 4 Student Journal: Students will be asked to complete journal entries. The journals will be mostly reflection type entries and some teacher directed questions. Student journal will be used to address research question #1 4 Group ConferenceCheck Lists 4 Group Conference Check Lists: When students are in groups working on the story boards and activities. The researcher will keep track of student’s progress, student talk. This will supplement researcher’s field notes. The group conference checklist will be used to address research questions #2
Instruments, again 4 Content Surveys 4 Content Surveys (pre/mid/post): Researcher and student generated surveys about the topic they are researching. Surveys will be used to address research questions #1 and #2 4 Student Created Quizzes 4 Student Created Quizzes: Post quizzes that students generate about the topic. The students administer them to rest of class. Quizzes will be used to address research question # 2 4 Check Sheet for Presentation Project: 4 Check Sheet for Presentation Project: (JErickson) Teacher developed. To help students move through each step in the research and design process, requiring each step be initialed by teacher/researcher upon completion. Check list will be used to address research question #1 and #2
Participants 4 The study will take place in a rural community. There are some major businesses in the community. The community is the county seat; there is also a SUNY two year college in the community. More than 40% of the students in the school qualify for free or reduced lunch 4 The school itself is a 5-8 middle school building with a population of about 400 students. There are four teachers per grade level and one special education teacher per grade level, who pulls in and pulls out during the day. Approximately 10% of the students in the middle school receive special education instruction.
Participants 4 The classroom in which the study will be conducted has, at the present, eighth grade students, including an even mix of girls and boys. 4 Target students will be selected by random within their ability level for the study by the teacher /researcher using the previous five months experience.
Parental permission: Can they do it. 4 this will be secured through a letter sent to the parents of 8th grade students in the class. The letter will state that the student’s participation in the study will be voluntary, participants may withdraw at any time, the activities will be designed to be beneficial for all students, and that the student’s grades will not be affected by participation in the study. Confidentiality will be maintained at all times by the use of letters instead of student’s names (for example, student A, student B...)
Procedures-Prior to Week One 4 The teacher/researcher will model all aspects of the project for the students. 4 I will present PowerPoint lecture to the students. 4 Students will be engaged in PowerPoint activities 4 Students will know how to research using the internet. 4 They will design story boards for all presentations that they do during the year.
Week One 4 The research will take place in the mornings during period one. 4 Session 1:pre-test science survey. –Introduction of the project (see appendix) and what is expected of them. –The researcher will put together a student journal with directed questions and general questions about the project.
continued Week one-continued 4 Session 2: I will or students will form groups of four and pick from a list of force and motion topics. –Students will go to the Internet and research their topic as a group. Student will write in their journal daily. Complete a daily internet log check sheet, where they went and the address. (Bibliography purposes)
Week one, again 4 Session 3: Students continue to do research on their topic. Gather information to write their pre-test about their topic. 4 Session 4: Students will design story boards, using the research, so they know what they are going to do.
Weeks Two through Three 4 Continue research 4 Student generated Presentation Rubric 4 Student generated pretest of topic. 4 Build multi-media presentation with sound and pictures to present to class.
Weeks Students will research topic and put together information about topic. 4 Students will create a pretest about topic. 4 Students will generate lab activity from research and present it to the class to do. (Post test) 4 A student generated content pre-test and a post-survey of attitudes will be administered.
Rationale: Why do I think this is important. 4 As a teacher/researcher, it is important to incorporate technology into the curriculum. 4 Technology allows students to simulate and create real-world experiences in the classroom. New technologies are also an excellent way to provide meaningful learning experiences for children.
Rationale-Technology 4 Technology and the use of multimedia tools can increase students’ ability to research, synthesize and present an understanding of many concepts in science (Kumar, 1996).
Why 4 As a teacher, it is important to implement research based curriculum and student involvement with authentic, challenging tasks that meet the needs of students.
Standards 4 The NSTA is strongly supporting the idea that middle school students learn best by building on their own knowledge through appropriate experiences. 4 The 1996 New York State learning standards for MST, also recommends that students demonstrate an understanding of science by applying “knowledge and thinking skills of science in a real-world setting and be able to be solve real-life problems.”
The Classroom 4 I started to use Power-Point presentations when giving notes to my eighth grade students, I felt that many students were not focused or organized during lectures. Once I started using power-point with my classes, I found students became more motivated and interested in the lecture. The use of sound and graphic illustrations were highly motivating.
My Goals 4 It is the goal of this researcher to investigate the affect of attitude and science performance of eighth grade students using computers and multimedia presentation software. 4 The curriculum and objectives for the eighth grade science concepts of force and motion are limited. Using a power point program, this researcher believes that middle school students are capable of working in small groups at the computer to explore and generate their own learning experiences and while making the connection to the world around them.
Goals, Again 4 Attitude-Research has shown that when students are involved in creating a computer program or project, they found their learning to be more interesting and exciting (Volker, 1992). 4 Performance-Research has shown that computers are excellent resources when it comes to providing students with an effective way to gather, assess, and use information to communicate with others
Thank you for listening and may the force be with you