MetroCIO GIS Committee Meeting Tuesday, November 20, – 3 PM
MetroCIO AGENDA 1. (1:00-1:10) Welcome and Introductions 2. (1:10-1:35) LinX & NCR GIS Michael Klein – NCIS 3. (1:35-2:05) Statewide centerline addressing system, online geocoding service, etc. Ashley Lesh – Towson CGIS 4. (2:05-2:25) DC GIS strategic plan objectives Barney Krucoff – DC OCTO 5. (2:25-2:45) PSIC grant applications Apollo Teng – Montgomery County/ COG GIS Committee Chairman 6. (2:45-3:00) Submitting MEGDS DVDs Martha Kile - MWCOG 7. (3:00) Adjourn Next Meeting January 15, 2008, 1-3 PM
MetroCIO MWCOG-GIS Technical Programs Minimum Essential Geospatial Data Set NIEM training DEH sponsored training CapStat UASI 2006, 2007 COG HIRA Grant USGS CAP Grant 2007 PSIC 2008 Ortho-photographic & Oblique Imageries
MetroCIO UASI Grant 2007 Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) Geographic Information System Committee Proposal for Allocation of Funds for GIS Support For The National Capital Region Data Exchange Hub Applicant Organization: Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Geographic Information Systems Committee Project Leader: Lynn Hadden Project Manager National Capital Region Data Exchange Hub Phone: Summary:Collect, document, assemble, and distribute geospatial data for the National Capital Region (NCR) plus Frederick County Maryland through the NCR Data Exchange Hub. The NCR includes the District of Columbia; Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties in Maryland; Arlington, Fairfax, Prince William, and Loudoun Counties as well as the cities of Alexandria, Falls Church, Fairfax, Manassas, and Manassas Park in Virginia.
MetroCIO Proposed Tasks Task 1: Data Distribution Task 2: Concept of Operations for and Implementation of a National Capital Regional Base Map Task 3: Concept of Operations for and Data Exchange Hub, WebEOC, and Regional GIS Task 4: Integration Planning and Data Modeling for Transportation Theme Task 5: Data Assembly Task 6: Sustainability / Maintenance Recommendations
MetroCIO FY 2008 (7/1/07 – 6/30/08) PSIC Grant Tasks –Region-wide centerline –Adding EMMA to WebEOC Sharing and integrating ortho-photographic & oblique imageries Structures files Support Census Bureau’s request of local centerline files LUCA participation
MetroCIO SECTION II: PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: October 31, 2007 PROJECT POINT OF CONTACT INFORMATION Name: Thomas Conry Agency/Lo cality: Fairfax County Department of Information Technology Position Title: GIS Manager Phone: (703) Fax: (703) APPLICANT CATEGORY: Locality Name:Fairfax County Government _________________
MetroCIO Long Term Goals of the Strategic Plan The project will create a common understanding of communications interoperability in the NCR area by providing the tools to view the common operating picture (EMMA) integrated with WebEOC and by providing essential road centerline data to coordinate resource interactions. The project will provide the common spatial “language” and spatial view to coordinate emergency response and day-to-day operations. Emergency response personnel can share the same view and the same data – essential to emergency response operations It will integrate the spatial data and facilitate communication about regional operations. The results of the project will be facilitate and enhance emergency training since it will be integrated with WebEOC; will used as part of emergency response training; and will provide accurate regional spatial data.
MetroCIO ESTIMATED COSTS SUMMARY Category Estimated Cost Consulting Services $300,000 Hardware & Network Infrastructure $70,000 Software $70,000 TOTAL FUNDING REQUESTED $440,000
MetroCIO SCALE BACK PLAN CONTINGENCY Total Funding Requested(The total dollar amount from the Estimated Costs Summary table listed above) $440,000 75% Of Total Funding Requested $330,000 50% Of Total Funding $220,000
MetroCIO Tasks with PSIC (VA) Grant Establish an NCR centerline and approach to keep it up to date Integrate EMMA with WebEOC for VA.
MetroCIO SECTION II: PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: November 05, 2007 PROJECT POINT OF CONTACT INFORMATION Name: Agency/Loc ality: Montgomery County Department of Homeland Security Position Title: Phone: Fax: APPLICANT CATEGORY: Locality Name:Montgomery County Government _________________ State Agency Name:N/A _____________________________ PROJECT CATEGORY: Is this a new or existing project?New______
MetroCIO MEGDS Six years have passed since We need to have a rudimentary regional GIS database for emergency management, etc.
MetroCIO MWCOG Member Jurisdictions
MetroCIO COG Centerline Supported 2002 Sniper Shooting Investigation
Minimum Essential Geospatial Data Set (MEGDS)
MetroCIO Pilot MEMA Spatial Interoperability Project – Montgomery, Frederick, & Garret Counties
MetroCIO Oblique Imagery – Neighborhood Shot
MetroCIO Regional Oblique Imagery Web based browser with measuring tools Oblique Image Server and Service –Pictometry –MW-COG Cross licensing for all MW-COG member jurisdictions Standing contract for immediate fly-over follow national emergency
MetroCIO Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Tom Conry, Fairfax Barney Krucoff, D.C. Apollo Teng, Montgomery Martha Kile, COG