Biometrics and Security Tutorial 8
1 (a) Understand the enrollment and verification of hand geometry? (P9: 8)
1 (b) Please check the definition of deviation in P9:16
1 (c) List the differences between the Raul Sanchez-Reillo’s approach and A.K. Jain’s approach. (P9:10-21)
Image capture of Raul
Image capture of Jain
Features defined by Raul
Features defined by Jain
Feature selection of Raul
Feature selection of Jain
1 (d) What are the advantages and disadvantages of hand geometry? (P9: 28)
1 (e) Understand Gaussian Mixture Modelling (GMM), Pre-processing and feature extraction (P9:22-23)
2. There are 31 features of hand geometry in Raul Sanchez-Reillo’s approach. Please try to list them. (P9:12-18)
3. As a general 3D hand geometry approach introduced in P9:5-9, there are 14 features defined. The matching score: Euclidean distance can be defined by Please try to make a figure like P8:37 (Euclidean Dis. – Percent).
4. In A.K. Jain’s approach, there are sixteen axes along which feature values are computed. Please try to define the corresponding hand features. (P9:21)
Let F = (f1; f2; … ; fd) represent the d - dimensional feature vector ( )
5. There are five steps defined by a finger recognition system (P9: 32-36). What kinds of features are used in this system? (joint line) Do you have any idea to compare two templates exactly? (shift to the best match) Based on the given input image in Q3 (Tutorial 4), we project it to the i-axis. What is its one-dimensional data? (17, 24, 43, 28, 45)