Office of Engineering Safety1 How to Dispose of Chemical Waste from Engineering Facilities at Texas A&M University Hazardous Waste Disposal Training
Office of Engineering Safety2 Hazardous Waste Disposal Training Texas A&M University complies with hazardous waste disposal regulations by means of: ÐTAMU Hazardous Waste Management Program ÐTAMU Policy & Procedure Manual, § ÐSafety Manual, § 14
Office of Engineering Safety3 A Hazardous Waste is: Any waste material listed or identified in Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 261, Subpart C or D (40 CFR 261) Or which exhibits the characteristics of ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or E. P. toxicity also defined in Part 261. Definition : Hazardous Waste
Office of Engineering Safety4 Proper containment, tagging, collection and disposal are essential to the success of the Hazardous Waste Program. Individual Departments & Research Centers are responsible for properly identifying the hazardous wastes they generate, and for following university waste disposal procedures. Hazardous Waste: Containers,Tags and Collections
Office of Engineering Safety5 Waste Containers In good condition No leaks Compatible with contents Secure closures — Ex: screw caps Do not overfill Do not exceed rated capacity For reused containers ÐDestroy and/or obliterate the original product label ÐUse a NEW Label to identify the waste material ÐDo NOT use a waste disposal tag as a container label!!!
Office of Engineering Safety6 Waste Container Labels EPA regulations require waste containers be labeled with at least: 1. The accumulation start date 2. The identity of the contents 3. The words “Hazardous Waste”
Office of Engineering Safety7 Completing Waste Tags When a container is ready for disposal, complete a TAMU Waste Tag and place it on the container TAMU Waste Tags are available from ÐEnvironmental Health & Safety Department ÐOffice of Engineering Safety A completed waste disposal tag must be attached to EACH waste container BEFORE disposal DO NOT DATE THE TAG, AT THIS TIME
A Sample Chemical Waste Disposal Tag :
Office of Engineering Safety9 1.Completely fill out BOTH the upper and lower sections of the tag (This information is essential for record keeping.) 2.The REQUESTOR is the person (faculty, PI) in charge of the lab. Use full chemical names or common names; chemical formulas or abbreviations are not acceptable. List all chemical components in the waste container, including water. Long lists may be continued on the back of the tag. Guidelines for Completing Waste Tags
Office of Engineering Safety10 3.Indicate the percent concentration of potentially explosive materials Safety Manual, § 13 Ex: picric acid, nitro compounds, other… 4.Place additional hazard information in REMARKS. Attach the tag to a string encircling the container. Rubber bands, tape and wire are not acceptable. 5.After completing the tag Attach top part of the tag to the container Mail bottom part of the tag to EHSD at MS 4472 Do not separate tag for RICH, WERC, or ZACH … Guidelines for Completing Waste Tags
Office of Engineering Safety11 6.Place tagged containers in your building’s “Satellite Waste Accumulation Area”. > If there is no designated SWAA, place the tagged waste container in your lab; identify the Building Name and Room No. on the tag. Guidelines for Completing Waste Tags
Office of Engineering Safety12 Special Provisions TAMU facilities with large volumes of wastes receive a scheduled weekly pickup ÐRichardson, 115 RICH, Bldg #0387 ÐWisenbaker, 134 WERC, Bldg #0682 ÐZachry, 099 ZACH, Bldg #0518 In these 3 Engineering facilities ONLY, leave the bottom portion of the tag attached ÐDo not tear off bottom portion of tag
Office of Engineering Safety13 EHSD HazMat team ( ) will collect appropriately tagged waste containers. Containers with improper caps, leaks, outside contamination, or improper labeling will NOT be picked up until these problems have been corrected. The Faculty/PI shall ensure that chemical wastes are properly contained and labeled for disposal, in a responsible and timely manner. Collection and Disposal