Curriculum Overview School of Information and Library Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill BW
The School’s curricula BSIS Juniors & seniors; 10 courses in SILS MSLS & MSIS 16 courses; 6 required, plus master’s paper CAS 10 courses PhD 10 courses plus dissertation BW
Courses at UNC-CH Numbered below 100 Undergraduate credit only Advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students Graduate students only (except with POI) 300+ Advanced graduate students, including doctoral seminars BW
Required courses: MSLS INLS 102, Information Tools (often waived) INLS 111, Information Resources & Services INLS 131, Management for Information Professionals INLS 151, Organization of Materials I INLS 153, Resources Selection & Evaluation (or INLS 242, Curriculum Issues and the School Librarian INLS 180, Human Information Interactions INLS 201, Research Methods INLS 392, Master’s Paper BW
One example of MSLS Core Requirements *151, Org of Materials I *131, Manage- ment *111, Info Res & Services *180, Human Info Interactions Electives 225, Health Sciences Info Capstone Requirements *201, Res. Methods *392, MS Paper 157, DB Sys I 216, Health Sci Environ 156, Intro to DB Concepts *153, Res Sel & Eval 235, Digital Libraries 211, IR Srch Strategies 162, Sys Analysis 237, Marketing of Info Serv 252, Metadata Arch & Appl BW
Required courses: MSIS INLS 102, Information Tools (often waived) INLS 131, Management for Information Professionals INLS 150, Organization of Information INLS 162, Systems Analysis INLS 172, Information Retrieval INLS 180, Human Information Interactions INLS 201, Research Methods INLS 392, Master’s Paper DK
One example of MSIS Core Requirements *172, Info Retrieval *150, Org of Info *131, Manage- ment *162, Systems Analysis *180, Human Info Interactions Electives 257, User Interface Design 357, HCI Seminar Capstone Requirements *201, Res. Methods *392, MS Paper 157, DB Sys I 258, DB Sys II 259, Web Databases 110, Appl of Data Mining 181, Internet Applications 187, Info Security 235, Digital Libraries DK
Being exempted from a requirement Why: You have completed an equivalent course elsewhere You have significant experience in the content covered by the required course How: fill out a requirement waiver form It will be reviewed by the instructor of the course Does not shorten the degree program Most common example: INLS 102, Info Tools DK
Special topics courses Register for INLS 110, 210, 310 Different topics offered each semester Many will never be offered again Some will become part of the curriculum Offerings in Fall 2005: 110, Visual Communication and Design 210, Evidence-Based Medicine 210, Evidence-Based Information Practice 210, Access, Outreach and Public Service in Cultural Heritage Repositories 210, Practical Metadata DK
Independent studies If what you want to learn is not covered in a course offered in the curriculum Register as INLS 300 Examples: User interfaces of GIS in city planning departments Music retrieval Archives of churches and religious institutions Proposed by student, guided by faculty (with permission of instructor) DK
Supervised Field Experience If you want to gain some work experience in your future career Register as INLS 299 Work with field experience coordinator (Marshall) Identify site and site supervisor Develop objectives Work at site, attend seminars, write paper BW
Courses from other departments Must be relevant to your program Select in consultation with advisor Examples: Computer science “Resources” courses offered by departments Research methods Formal minor allowed, but requires 9 additional credits Inter-institutional registration is also possible BW
Study abroad opportunities Summer programs Oxford: “Libraries and Librarianship: Past, Present and Future” Prague: “Libraries and Librarianship in the Czech Republic” Ljubljana, Slovenia: Summer seminar “Sister” universities Royal School of Library and Information Studies, Copenhagen Charles University, Prague University of Ljubljana, Slovenia BW
Comprehensive exam During final semester (spring or fall, not summer) Information sessions early in semester Must sign up to take it BW
Master’s paper A mechanism for conducting some original research Proposal can be developed in the Research Methods class Completed with the guidance of an individual faculty member Completed papers available via SILS Library or Master’s Paper Index on the SILS Library Web pages BW
Commencement And at the end, you commence! Additional questions? BW