1 The Chi squared table provides critical value for various right hand tail probabilities ‘A’. The form of the probabilities that appear in the Chi-Squared table are: Probability calculations for the Chi-Squared distribution For a given value of the degrees of freedom, and for a predetermined right hand tail probability A, the table entry is the corresponding 2 A.
2 ….. 2.95 ….. …… 2.05 …… Using the Chi Squared -table D.F … … … …… A=.05 DF A, 2.05,20 = ?
3 Using the Chi-Squared table – Finding Chi- squared values for left hand tail probabilities ….. 2.95 ….. …… 2.05 …… … … … …… D.F. A=.95 2.95,20 =? A=.05
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