What is Web 2.0? Purpose of web 2.0 in Education
Web 2.0 in Education Web 2.0 provides the platform and resources for the Internet community to share their idea and edit the content as required by its members in this community. Commonly accessed tools of Web 2.0 include: Podcasting Blogging Wiki Social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter) RSS sites (which allow distribution of news material)
Web 2.0 in Education These tools allow student to connect and interact with the instructor and with each other. An instructor may create a blog through which he promotes one side to a controversial issue, then requests student comments on the issue, pro or con. Democratic and collaborative tools Everyone may contribute Instructor may gauge student learning, inasmuch as their opinions are formed as their knowledge base grow.
Web 2.0 in Education Some obvious applications of the Web 2.0 platform include: Introducing faculty members and their educational interests Improving access to data, e.g. instructors may record lectures or save PowerPoint files for student access Accessing other resources, e.g. from the library, radio tations, audiovisual content from other websites; Collaborate on knowledge, e.g. sharing content and news, preparing and sharing video material for demonstration or simulation Setting up chatting communities to allow for out-of-class discussion Collaboration n documents, e.g. creating group projects or editing and updating documents