Training MICE ! & User support
Where to start? If you feel that you are incompetent - a good starting position? If you don’t know if you are incompetent – ask a friend? If you think that you are perfectly competent – please stay away!
Mix of issues How will MICE runs be organised? –Operating plan Operating procedures, Risk Assessments need to be written How much training, what sort of training depends on above
Basic RAL expects that those MICE operating the experiment can do so safely because of –Good Design Practice, –Hardware interlocks (risk assessed), –Procedures which allow appropriately trained individuals to make decisions and operate equipment –Appropriate training
Basic safety training is the responsibility of your home institute If you have staff (students) working with you, then you are responsible for assuring that they are appropriately trained
RAL’s responsibility is to make you aware! To provide you with the environment to carry out MICE safely! To be satisfied that the collaboration adheres to a sufficient safety standard
Awareness General site awareness –Fire, Harwell incident –Site traffic, lifting, VDU, health –Regulatory framework Advice, Responsibilities & Authorities –Authorisation and procedures (Permit to work, authorised officers) –risk assessment (common sense and how to use it!) –working at height, –confined spaces, –electrical, HV Radiation areas –classification Radiation –Magnetic fields –X-rays, neutrons, –Laser Hydrogen –What to do in the event of …? RF –Hazard awareness, –High Voltage
A web based training system is used for ISIS users: –Notes & Questions –Basis for “having done the training” –ISIS Safety Pack (on arrival) Awareness talks: –Initial Session at CMx - next at RAL –Concentrate on Awareness and “how RAL/ISIS works” –Put notes on web: perm. to work, op. proc... RAL Safety Codes RAL Safety Notices Risk assessments
Film Badges... Message from RPA: –MICE “... be issued with user badges when they arrive and must return these when they leave. They will not be classified by us. I would like them to have evidence of suitable training in radiation protection. “ –...a letter from your home institute is sufficient.
Equipment training plan Target (H) Beam line (M) Diffuser (M) Magnet currents (M) TOF (M) CKOV (M) MuCal (M) Tracking detector (M) Hydrogen system (H) Cavities & RF Power (H) Searching (H) L: Anyone M: Competent persons H: Trained/Nominated persons What is the responsibility chain? Crew (Host) MICE liaison person (Host) shift leader shift members
Specific Training Each group should be able to –identify those competent to operate the equipment; –Provide a list of initial contacts; –Provide suitable instructions to make equipment safe in an emergency Each group should have its own safety plan –Identify what level of resource is needed; –Identify training needs; –identify who should be trained!
Chain of Command & Responsibilities How will MICE operate? –Regular run planning meetings? Chair: Spoke/deputy? –Shift leader? – Deputy? Carry out prescribed plan of measurements? How much flexibility? What are the action levels? –Liaison with ISIS operations? this will feed into the overall Procedure and Safety plans Specific equipment training plans
ISIS Users’ Office Services: (not for Collaboration meetings) –Visit notice by in advance Users need to be pre-registered –On site registration (quick) –Issue site pass (MICE ID) –Film badge issued by HP in ISIS –Book accommodation : you pay –Book transport: lab charges MICE Pre-requisite: –Common fund (CF)
MICE are different to the majority of ISIS users: largely to do with the funding support Need MICE specific versions Test the system with Target and Tracker groups Role out instructions to MICE community Web page info sheets
Accommodation & Transport Accommodation – you pay directly –Old and New hostel on site sleeping –Local hotels –Guest houses –TCH –Future: hotel on campus? Taxi – charged to a MICE budget –Between rail station to RAL/TCH/hotels –ISIS Users: taxi from LHR/GTW does MICE want to do this?
Accommodation Office Space: –Meeting room in R76 –Desks in R1 (3), R76 (4) Access to R76 needs to be agreed –Office space is in short supply Portakabins could be a solution? Desk space and control room
MICE Project Office Purchase of small items on CF Invoicing individual labs for CF subs. Preparing MICE financial reports.... and many other things are possible...dependent on funds/staffing