Unit 6 Urology and Gynecology “-rrh” suffixes: -rrhea = runny, flow, or discharge -rrhagia = hemorrhage, abnormal bleeding -rrhaphy = suturing or wound closure
Urology: urine…………. kidney………. renal pelvis… ureter……….. baldder……… urethra……… ur/o nephr/o ren/o pyel/o ureter/o cyst/o urethr/o
Conditions involving urination: poly/uria noct/uria an/uria olig/uria hemat/uria albumin/uria glycos/uria keton/uria nocturn/al en/ur/esis bacter/I/uria
Suffixes of conditions: -ptosis…….. -lith………… -megaly…… -cele……….. -rrhagia…… -algia……… -dynia……… prolapse stone enlargement herniation hemorrhage pain
Urinary diseases: nephropexy renopathy polycystic kidneys nephrolithiasis nephroptosis pyelonephritis ureterocele ureteropyosis urethritis
Urinary procedures: nephropexy renography pyelography ureterocystostomy nephrorrhaphy cystorrhaphy urethrotomy
Male reproductive system: spermat/o and sperm/o spermatozoa spermatolysis spermatoblast spermicide
Male reproductive system - Testes: orchid/o, orchi/o, and orch/o orchidalgia cryptorchidism orchiocele orchidotomy orchidoplasty orchidectomy, orchiectomy, orchectomy
Male reproductive system: prostat/o semin/o balan/o pen/o
Female reproductive system: o/o…………… oophor/o…… salping/o…… colp/o……….. hyster/o……. egg or ovum ovary fallopian tube(s) vagina uterus
Bonus question on the Final: Write the full correct term that means excision of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries: hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy