Electric Fields
2006 P.1 Concept: Forces between charges are action- reaction pairs (N3L)
Spring 2005 P.3
2006 P.2 Concept: Superposition (Vector sum) of E-fields
2006 P.3 Concept: E Fields from charge distributions
Electric Flux & Gauss’s Law Non-uniform E Uniform E
2006 P.5 Category: Gauss’s Law & Electric Flux Concept: Net flux on Gaussian surface is generated by net enclosed charge
2005 P.5 Category: Gauss’s Law & Electric Flux Concept: Net flux on Gaussian surface is generated by net enclosed charge
2006 P.6 Category: Gauss’s Law & Electric Flux Concept: Definition of vector dot product E A E
Electric potential of charge systems
2005 P.7 Category: Electric Potentials Concept: Superposition (not vectors!! Just add them up!!)
2005 P.8 Category: Electric Potentials Concept: Delta V is the line integral of E
2005 P.11 Category: Electric Potentials Concept: E is – dV/dx
2006 P.10 Concept: Physical Capacitor w/ dielectric
2005 P.12&13 Concept: Series Caps= Same charge; Parallel Caps= Same Voltage
Current & Circuits
2006 P.11 Current & Circuits Concept: Resistance of a conductor changes w/ temp. Strategy: Make a ratio
2005 P.17 Current & Circuits Concept: Current continuity and Ohm’s Law
2006 P.11 Current & Circuits
Magnetic Fields
2005 P.23 & 24 Magnetic Fields Concept: Net B is superposition (vector sum) of B from each current
Induction & Inductance
2005 P.28 Induction & Inductance Concept: Lenz’s Law- Induced current opposes the CHANGE in flux
2006 P.23 Induction & Inductance Concept: Lenz’s Law- Induced current opposes the CHANGE in flux
Maxwell’s EQ & EM Waves
2006 P.30 Maxwell’s EQ & EM Waves Concept: Displacement current behaves like a current in a conductor and generates B-field
2005 P. 32 & 33 EM Waves Concept: EM waves carry energy speed c), transmit power and exert pressure
2006 P.35 & 36 Small angle approximation: Sin( ) ~ d/L
2006 P.35 & 36 Small angle approximation: Sin( ) ~ d/L
2006 P.36 Interference Concept: Small angle approximation: Sin( ) ~ d/L