M2FS: Michigan/Magellan Fiber System
M2FS (Michigan/Magellan Fiber System) Fiber-fed MOS w/2 independent and identical spectrograph arms 256 total fibers + manual plug plates 128 Fibers per Arm HiRes (R=18-34k) and LoRes (R~ ) Modes (can be used independently on separate arms) Single and multi-order spectroscopy supported in HiRes Mode 30 arcmin diameter FoV (fully accessible to all fibers) Aperture size = 1.2 arcsec (diam) Minimum fiber spacing = 12 arcsec (center-center) Any fiber can be deployed to any position in field Target position lead-time is about 4-6 weeks to fabricate plates. 1 km/s precision anticipated at V=21-22 for late-type stars. LoRes targets to V=24-25 within aperture. Target M2FS delivery date to Magellan: Apr-Jun 2012 Science operations aimed to start in 2012B semester Prototype robotic positioner planned and full automated plugging may be possible by 2014 pending funding.
Project Status: Fibers Fiber construction is proceeding full-time at UM. 418 Fibers have completed first construction stage (10 ft tubing with end hypos, apppropriately epoxied) Polishing underway; eight-fiber polisher built for this purpose. Initial interferometric tests => flat to <1/4 wave. All fiber ends to be AR coated (first test run went well); tested interferometrically (thanks Gabor Furesz); tested for FRD performance. Goal: 256 prime science fibers + >64 science spares + 20 acquisition fibers. Tetris ends under design and trying to find vendors. Finding vendors for ferrules is proving hard. Modulo ferrules: Construction/Testing by end of June; all fiber parts by end of September.
Project Status: Prime Optics Optical Design Review passed July Echelle gratings in hand. All M2FS major transmissive spectrograph optics ordered through AR coating. CaF2 blanks shipped to opticians (OSI for asphere and HJOL) Assuming no breakage, all prime optical elements in hand by Oct/Nov. Triplet construction in Jan/Feb Wide-Field Corrector optics pending order with formal appro- val from NSF. M2FS telecentrator from MMFS. DECOMISSIONS MMFS. Mechanical design to be completed by Sep Lenses to be completed by Nov/Dec. Construction/Mouting of all optics by end of Mar/Apr 2012.
M2FS Wide-Field Corrector
Project Status: Mechanical Fiber mount largely a copy of MMFS, even to use some parts. Mechanical design of major spectrograph components underway: o Grating exchange stage and grating mounts. o Prime optics mounts (largely derivative from PFS). o CCD dewar mount bulkhead which also supports the filter exchanger, fiber-locator system, shutter, fiber cradle. o Design of fiber shoe and fiber end mounts underway. Conceptual design for calibration unit/FLS projector in the secondary cage in place. To work closely with LCO on design and testing/deployment. Construction and testing at OCIW. Design Review in August. Fabrication of principal compo- nents from Aug 2011-Feb 2012 at OCIW and UM shops.
Echelle Grating Fiber Injection Cam/Coll Optics LoRes Grating CCDs Spectrograph 1 Spectrograph 2 Magellan Elevation Ring
Project Status: Electronic E2V CCDs to arrive in May 2011; IT will install in dewars at OCIW. Design/performance goals just now beginning in earnest. Surprising number of controls: o Grating tilts, azimuth (echelle only) x 2 o Grating stage translation x 2 o Filter position, vertical and insertion x 2 o Fiber locator system mirror insertion x 2 o Shutter x 2 o Spectrograph focus (derivative from PFS) x 2 o Fiber slit assemblies x 16 o CCD control x 2 o Guider focus, SH periscope optics, SH camera o Guide camera o Calibration lamps, FLS projector Initial controls meeting on Apr 29 (Friday) to identify issues, people, software demands and basis for a realistic schedule.
Project Status: Performance