Mrs. Yim-Lo Mei Yee NSS Other Learning Experiences – Strategies in planning and designing Career-related Experiences Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee.


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Mrs. Yim-Lo Mei Yee NSS Other Learning Experiences – Strategies in planning and designing Career-related Experiences Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee.
Copyright © 2012 School of Continuing and Professional Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. All rights reserved. Hong Kong Library Education &
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Presentation transcript:

Mrs. Yim-Lo Mei Yee NSS Other Learning Experiences – Strategies in planning and designing Career-related Experiences Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee College Teacher Sharing Session

CRE Sharing P. I. E. 1. Planning 2. Implementation 3. Evaluation

School Background

Academic-oriented Adequate family support Students’ Background Weak at career planning

Stage 1: Planning

Major Concern 3: Provide students with learning opportunity on Ethical Leadership in the new century Major Concern 2: Equip students with essential job skills prior to entry into the professional world. Major Concern 1: Enrich students’ career-related learning experiences through partnership with business community. Form 7 Form 5 Form 4 Form 3 Form 2 Form 1 Form 6 Values Skills Experience Implementation begins– 07/08 Implementation begins – 08/09 Implementation begins – 09/10 Leadership Seminar Role Modeling New Leader Programme Trading New Leader Programme Working New Leader Programme Self & Others New Leader Programme Others New Leader Programme * * Self New Leader Programme Leading Company Programme Entrepreneurship Young Power Programme Social Responsibility Job Shadowing Programme Career Aspiration “Career Kaleidoscope” Lessons (LE) Overview of Career Options + Pathways Aims: Motivate students to do better at schoolwork through 1. an early development of career planning; 2. a deeper understanding of the connection between academics and careers Planning Talk on IVE/ SBI/ HKID/ HD/ AD Courses + Career Expo Job Site Visits Observation + Career Talk DISC Profile Worshop Emotion Interpretation + Management “Life Banking” Career Explorations Workshop Job Nature Exploration + Summer Job Training Mock CE Results Release Workshop Decision Making + Stress Management Success Skills Workshop Resume Writing & Interviewing Skills + Intepersonal Skills “My Choice” Programme Marketing & Expectation Management Aptitude Test Preliminary interest, personality and strengths assessments Dream Runner Workshop Goal Setting + Action Planning

New Leaders Programme

Keroro Squad

Mock CE Results Release

Student Company Programme

Dream Runner Workshop

Young Power Programme

Planning 3 Key F F F actors…… 1. Focus 2. Flexibility 3. Financial Support

Major Concern 3: Provide students with learning opportunity on Ethical Leadership in the new century Major Concern 2: Equip students with essential job skills prior to entry into the professional world. Major Concern 1: Enrich students’ career-related learning experiences through partnership with business community. Form 7 Form 5 Form 4 Form 3 Form 2 Form 1 Form 6 Values Skills Experience Implementation begins– 07/08 Implementation begins – 08/09 Implementation begins – 09/10 Leadership Seminar Role Modeling New Leader Programme Trading New Leader Programme Working New Leader Programme Self & Others New Leader Programme Others New Leader Programme * * Self New Leader Programme Leading Dream Runner Workshop Goal Setting + Action Planning “Life Banking” Career Explorations Workshop Job Nature Exploration + Summer Job Training Mock CE Results Release Workshop Decision Making + Stress Management DISC Profile Worshop Emotion Interpretation + Management Success Skills Workshop Resume Writing & Interviewing Skills + Intepersonal Skills “My Choice” Programme Internal + External Marketing Aptitude Test Preliminary interest, personality and strengths assessments Company Programme Entrepreneurship Young Power Programme Social Responsibility Job Shadowing Programme Career Aspiration “Career Kaleidoscope” Lessons (LE) Overview of Career Options + Pathways Aims: Motivate students to do better at schoolwork through 1. an early development of career planning; 2. a deeper understanding of the connection between academics and careers Talk on IVE/ SBI/ HKID/ HD/ AD Courses PTA+ Old Career Talk Job Site Visits Observation + Hall Assemblies Career Talk CCRMCDCAC Planning – Focus

Major Concern 3: Provide students with learning opportunity on Ethical Leadership in the new century Major Concern 2: Equip students with essential job skills prior to entry into the professional world. Major Concern 1: Enrich students’ career-related learning experiences through partnership with business community. Form 7 Form 5 Form 4 Form 3 Form 2 Form 1 Form 6 Values Skills Experience Implementation begins– 07/08 Implementation begins – 08/09 Implementation begins – 09/10 Leadership Seminar Role Modeling New Leader Programme Trading New Leader Programme Working New Leader Programme Self & Others New Leader Programme Others New Leader Programme * * Self New Leader Programme Leading Dream Runner Workshop Goal Setting + Action Planning “Life Banking” Career Explorations Workshop Job Nature Exploration + Summer Job Training Mock CE Results Release Workshop Decision Making + Stress Management DISC Profile Worshop Emotion Interpretation + Management Success Skills Workshop Resume Writing & Interviewing Skills + Intepersonal Skills “My Choice” Programme Internal + External Marketing Aptitude Test Preliminary interest, personality and strengths assessments Company Programme Entrepreneurship Young Power Programme Social Responsibility Job Shadowing Programme Career Aspiration “Career Kaleidoscope” Lessons (LE) Overview of Career Options + Pathways Aims: Motivate students to do better at schoolwork through 1. an early development of career planning; 2. a deeper understanding of the connection between academics and careers Talk on IVE/ SBI/ HKID/ HD/ AD Courses PTA+ Old Career Talk Job Site Visits Observation + Hall Assemblies Career Talk JA It’s M BusinessJA Management & Economics Simulation Exercise (MESE) Planning – Flexibility

Major Concern 3: Provide students with learning opportunity on Ethical Leadership in the new century Major Concern 2: Equip students with essential job skills prior to entry into the professional world. Major Concern 1: Enrich students’ career-related learning experiences through partnership with business community. Form 7 Form 5 Form 4 Form 3 Form 2 Form 1 Form 6 Values Skills Experience Implementation begins– 07/08 Implementation begins – 08/09 Implementation begins – 09/10 Leadership Seminar Role Modeling New Leader Programme Trading New Leader Programme Working New Leader Programme Self & Others New Leader Programme Others New Leader Programme * * Self New Leader Programme Leading Dream Runner Workshop Goal Setting + Action Planning “Life Banking” Career Explorations Workshop Job Nature Exploration + Summer Job Training Mock CE Results Release Workshop Decision Making + Stress Management DISC Profile Worshop Emotion Interpretation + Management Success Skills Workshop Resume Writing & Interviewing Skills + Intepersonal Skills “My Choice” Programme Internal + External Marketing Aptitude Test Preliminary interest, personality and strengths assessments Company Programme Entrepreneurship Young Power Programme Social Responsibility Job Shadowing Programme Career Aspiration “Career Kaleidoscope” Lessons (LE) Overview of Career Options + Pathways Aims: Motivate students to do better at schoolwork through 1. an early development of career planning; 2. a deeper understanding of the connection between academics and careers Talk on IVE/ SBI/ HKID/ HD/ AD Courses PTA+ Old Career Talk Job Site Visits Observation + Hall Assemblies Career Talk SLT CEG Citi Success Citi Success SLT Planning – Financial Support

Stage 2: Implementation

1 + 1 Practical Cases -J-JA Company Programme - HKFYH “My Choice” Programme

Implementation – Company Programme

「 “ My Choice ” 新高中選科系列」工作坊 日期時間主題 重點內容地點備註 單數學號雙數學號 27/10/08 ( 一 ) 1:40-2:20 a.m. 午飯時間 老師講座簡介 “ My Choice ” 新高中選科 系列之理念 及目的。 並與老師分享選科輔導技巧。 Rm 313 ( 輔導室 ) 全級進行 26/11/08 ( 三 ) 8:00-9:00 a.m. 禮堂週會 學生講座 並介紹本校新高中之科目組合及 鄰選原則。 學校禮堂全級進行 28/11/08 ( 五 ) 7:30-9:30.p.m. 家長晚間 家長講座 並與家長分享如何協助子女在新 高中選擇合適的選修目科及相應 輔導技巧。 學校禮堂全級進行 01/12/08 ( 一 ) 8:20-9:20 a.m. 生命教育課 職業性向各有各型 參考 John Holland 的職業分類, 設計一個 Card Game , 讓同學明白自己的職業興趣組合。 課室 3A: Rm 101 3B: Rm 102 3C: Rm 103 3D: Rm 104 3E: Rm 105 特別室 3A: I.S. Lab 3B: Rm 516 3C: Phy Lab 3D: Bio Lab 3E: Rm 614 分班分組 進行 16/12/08 ( 二 ) 8:20-9:20 a.m. 生命教育課 自我評估性格大拍賣 透過拍賣遊戲, 讓同學了解自己職業發展所需的 性格、興趣和技能。 課室 3A: Rm 101 3B: Rm 102 3C: Rm 103 3D: Rm 104 3E: Rm 105 特別室 3A: I.S. Lab 3B: Rm 516 3C: Phy Lab 3D: Bio Lab 3E: Rm 614 分班分組 進行 23/01/09 ( 五 ) 3:00p.m. 上學期考試結束 模擬選科知己知彼 透過模擬選科讓同學初步了解 各科目的市場形勢。 網上公佈 全級進行 16/04/2009 ( 四 ) 8:20-9:20 a.m. 生命教育課 調節期望志願有序 同學以實際行動排列志願, 了解各科目的形勢和入讀要求。 有蓋操場全級進行 27/04/2009 ( 一 ) 8:20-9:20 a.m. 生命教育課 選擇技巧選擇攻略 同學經過自我及外在評估後, 重新排列選科志願, 學習排列選擇的優次和取捨等技巧。 課室 3A: Rm 101 3B: Rm 102 3C: Rm 103 3D: Rm 104 3E: Rm 105 特別室 3A: I.S. Lab 3B: Rm 516 3C: Phy Lab 3D: Bio Lab 3E: Rm 614 分班分組 進行 Implementation – ”My Choice” Programme The hongkong federation of youth groups

Challenges Hard-wares Resources: Time / Venue/ Manpower…. Soft-wares Involved parties: Students/ Business Advisors/ Teachers

Solutions Hard-power Administration Soft-power Aspiration

Stage 3: Evaluation

1. Multi-perspective 2. Measurable 3. Meaningful 3 M M M ust……

EvaluationEvaluation – Questionnaires

By Chun man Humane Over the past six months, our JA Company, Humane, represents our spirit and many unforgettable memories and experience that I would like to share with you. During the Company Programme, the key learning is how important people is to a compnay. A company cannot be operated by just investing capital alone. Outstanding management and employees with excellent business sense and careful planning must coexist. Passion is another critical element, without passion, company staff will lack of motivation and quality of products or services will be impacted. I also realized that teamwork is even more important than individual skill. An excellent team can help management to make right decisions that directly impacting company performance. Each team member can also support each other both on physical and mental needs. I remember that every time when someone felt frustrated, wanted to give up their work or even want to quit, others in the company will be there to support. These show that people is the fundamental of any successful company.. In order to success in my future career, this program taught me that I must be an active member in the company willing to take up any challenge. Initiative is an import element to be successful in my future career. Cooperation with other members and respect to their valuable opinions are two other key take away from the Company Programme. Although my future career will face many different challenges with but the above learnings and other experience through the Company Program can help me to overcome those challenges. In CANJAC 2008, I can contribute by sharing my JA experience with other delegates from different countries. Besides, I promise that I will actively participate in all discussion and team activities which can help me to know more about the changing business world in different cultural perspective, develop leadership, business and inter- personal skills which are the key essences for both my future educational and career development.. After coming back to Hong Kong, I am willing to share my CANJAC experience in different occasions to students and public. Being Asia’s world city, Hong Kong has a strong workforce with specialized skills and knowledge that can attract others. Again, people is the key asset not only to any company but also Hong Kong. To uphold Hong Kong’s position, I will sharing my experience about the skills learn from the programme to help and inspire other youth as well as the next generation, just like me being inspired by former JA Company Programme and CANJAC participants. In addition, I will keep enhance myself through lifelong learning so that I can show the beautiful mind and abilities of Hong Kong people and help to promote the advantages of Hong Kong. The Company Programme enlighted me, not only on business skills, but also on interpersonal skills which is an invaluable experience that lay the foundation of my future success. I would like to share this meaningful programme to others, especially being one of the delegate for CANJAC Evaluation – Student Reflection

Evaluation – Ts + BAs Reflection

Evaluation – Student Reflection OLE Reflection

Evaluation – OLE Sharing Assembly OLE Days Video

Evaluation – APASO

Students’ Feedback Parents’ Feedback

It's not the end. It's not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning Sir Winston Churchill

“Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I will understand”. - Chinese Proverb

To teach is to touch the future.

Thank you.