Annotated RDF Octavian Udrea Diego Reforgiato Recupero V.S. Subrahmanian University of Maryland
Motivation Many RDF extensions for specific scenarios: Temporal (Gutierrez et. al 2005) Uncertainty (Dubois et. al 2005, Straccia et al. 2005) Provenance (Carroll et. al 2005) Can we construct a common syntax and semantics for RDF extensions? Together with efficient query mechanism
Foundations of aRDF Annotations are partial orders (A,≤) A fuzzy, A time, A time-intervals, A pedigree Cartesian products can generate others Such as A fuzz-time = A fuzzy X A time Builds on annotated logic (Kifer et al. 1992)
aRDF syntax Set of annotated triples (r,p:a,v)
aRDF syntax We’re.9 sure that Max had Adam as an advisor until 2004
aRDF satisfying interpretation We consider transitive properties as a simple inference capability A mapping I from the universe of possible triples (r,p,v) to A A satisfying interpretation I for O has: For all (r,p:a,v) in O, a ≤ I(r,p,v) For all paths on transitive properties, the lower bounds of the set of annotations is less than I(r,p,v) Entailment defined in the usual way
Satisfying interpretation example
(0.9,2003) ≤ I(Max,hasSupervisor,William)
Satisfying interpretation example
No matter what we assign to I(Mary,hasSupervisor,William), I will not satisfy O
aRDF consistency The existence of a satisfying I: For (r,p:a i,v), the set {a i } has an upper bound Let A k (r,p,v) be the set of annotations on the k th p-path from r to v (for transitive p) The set B = {LB(A k )} has an upper bound
aRDF consistency results All RDF instances annotated with partial orders with top elements are consistent For general partial orders, consistency verification runs in O(p *(n 3 * e + n*a 2 ))
aRDF atomic queries (R,P:A,V) where at most one is variable Examples: (Max, ?p:(0.8,2002), William) (Mary, hasSupervisor:(0.7,2002),?v) (r,p:a,v) and (r’,p’:a’,v’) are semi- unifiable if there is a substitution θ: r θ = r’ θ, p θ = p’ θ, v θ = v’ θ
aRDF atomic query answers The answer to (R,P:A,V) is the set of (r,p:a,v) such that: (r,p:a,v) is semi-unifiable with (R,P:A,V) and A ≤ a (where applicable) (r,p:a,v) is entailed by the aRDF ontology (r,p:a,v) is not entailed by a subset of the answer The minimal (w.r.t. entailment) set of triples entailed by the theory that semi- unifies with the query
aRDF atomic query examples Query: (Max,?p:(0.8,2002), William) Answer: {(Max, hasSupervisor:(0.9,2003), William)}
aRDF atomic query examples Query: (Mary,hasSupervisor:(0.7,2002), ?v) Answer: {(Mary, hasAdvisor:(0.7,2003), William)}
aRDF theory closure At each step, add to O one of: For (r,p:a 1,v), (r,p’:a 2,v), p’ is a subProperty of p (or p = p’), add (r,p:a,v), where a is a minimal upper bound for a 1,a 2 Add (r,p:a,v) for (r,p’:a1,r’), (r’,p’’:a2,v), where p’,p’’ are subProperty* of p For all a’, (a’ ≤ a1) and (a’ ≤ a2) => (a’ ≤ a) Monotonic operator => there exists a fixpoint lfp(O)
Naïve query answer algorithm 1. Compute closure lfp(O) 2. Choose semi-unifiable triples with annotations “above” the query’s 3. Eliminate any triples entailed by subsets
atomicAnswerX algorithms lfp(O) can be exponential But the minimal set we look for in the answer is not atomicAnswerV computes the answer to (R,P:A,V?) queries atomicAnswerP computes the answer to (R,P?:A,V) queries conjunctAnswer answers conjunctions of atomic queries
atomicAnswerX algorithms atomicAnswerV: For the maximal transitive p-paths starting at r, compute: The lower bound(s) on the sets of annotations The least upper bound(s) of the previous set atomicAnswerP: Similar approach for the maximal paths between r and v
atomicAnswerX complexity atomicAnswerV (and R) are running in time O(n 2 * e + n * e * a 2 ) O(n 2 * e + n * e * a 2 ) when annotation is a complete lattice atomicAnswerP is has the same worst- case complexity atomicAnswerA is O(n * e * a 2 ) Complexity results given for finite partial orders For lattices, the “a” factors dissapear
Experimental results Existing RDF ontologies with randomly generated annotations Synthetically generated data up to 100,000 nodes Also varied number of properties, node degree, number of transitive properties, etc.
Consistency running time
atomicAnswer running time
Applications We have started using aRDF on the STORY project An online aRDF system will be released in August 2006 Features such as graphical editing and annotation, custom annotations, view maintenance
Conclusions We have presented a general framework for extending RDF Based on annotated logic Simple syntax and semantics Query algorithms are very efficient in practice
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